Your search returned 593 results.

In the News
July 25, 2014

New rules bother employers – Obamacare not as much

CNBC.comIn this article, Michael Lotito is quoted on the findings of Littler’s Executive Employer survey.View

In the News
July 23, 2014

Federal/State Activity, ACA, Privacy and Whistleblowing Most Concern Employers, Says Survey

HR Compliance ExpertIn this article, Steven Friedman, Michael Lotito and Philip Gordon are quoted on

In the News
July 22, 2014

Whistleblower retaliation, overtime rule key concerns for employers

Corporate SecretaryIn this article discussing Littler's third annual Executive Employer survey, Gregory

In the News
July 18, 2014

Employers Experiencing Lull Before ACA Storm

PLANSPONSORSteven Friedman and Michael Lotito are quoted in this article exploring Littler's Executive

In the News
July 17, 2014

ACA, data security create regulatory hurdles for employers

Employee Benefit NewsIn this article, Michael Lotito, Steven Friedman and Philip Gordon discuss the findings
