Your search returned 593 results.

In the News
March 25, 2015

Attendees hear an alarm to protect the franchising model

Restaurant BusinessMichael Lotito’s comments on the issue of the National Labor Relation’s reclassification

In the News
February 10, 2015

Business Groups, Owners Form Coalition To Fight New NLRA Joint Employer Standard

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportA group of business organizations announced that they’ve created a

In the News
January 28, 2015

McConnell, Alexander Take Another Shot At Revamping NLRB, Adding Sixth Member

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportMichael Lotito provides commentary on the National Labor Relations Board’s

January 21, 2015

NLRB Joint Employer Redefinition Threatens Franchises

Law360.comMichael Lotito co-authored this article discussing the National Labor Relations Board’s redefinition
