In the News
April 17, 2014

Worker Centers, Union Allies Seeking New Representation Model, Chamber Says

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportIn this article exploring a report released April 16 by the U.S. Chamber

In the News
April 16, 2014

Subverting Majority Rule

Washington Free BeaconIn this article, Stefan Marculewicz is quoted on the subject of worker centers--union

In the News
April 16, 2014

U.S. Chamber Says Non-Union Groups Could Reshape Labor Relations

New York TimesStefan Marculewicz's commentary is included in this article exploring the U.S. Chamber

April 16, 2014

Preemption ruling could affect certain class actions

Daily JournalRichard Rahm and Danielle Fuschetti authored this article discussing the U.S. Supreme Court’s

In the News
April 16, 2014

Evolving biometric legislation in the workplace

Long Island Business NewsRandy Gidseg provides insight in this article discussing the increasingly common
