Your search returned 827 results.

In the News
August 27, 2015

McDonalds May Get Pinched By Labor Ruling

Michael Lotito discusses options for employers in relation to the National Labor Relations…

August 14, 2015

Changes in Union Elections Put Onus on Employers

Jacob Modla co-authored this article reviewing the effects of the National Labor Relations…

In the News
August 14, 2015

Bill Would Do More Than Upend ‘Ambush’ Election Rule

Tanja Thompson comments on the ambush election bill. Society for Human Resources Management…

In the News
August 10, 2015

Athletes’ Hail-Mary Bid for Union Tests U.S. Meaning of Employee

Michael Lotito discusses two pending decisions by the National Labor Relations Board that will…

July 30, 2015

Review labor's 2015 Sacramento agenda

Michael Lotito published an article reviewing the labor agenda of the California…
