Your search returned 1003 results.

In the News
February 21, 2017

Bush Labor Veteran Quietly Assumes Acting Solicitor Post

In light of Nicholas Geale’s appointment as acting solicitor of the DOL, Michael Lotito…

In the News
February 13, 2017

Are Outside HR Professionals Necessary in Discrimination Cases?

Mark Phillis describes the downside of using outside HR professionals.Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor…

February 9, 2017

Navigating California's Two-tier Minimum Wage

Bruce Sarchet describes the effects of California’s minimum wage rules that now separate small…

In the News
February 1, 2017

Employment Lawyers Explore Challenges of Closing Gender Pay Gap

Elaine Keyser participated in a panel titled “Bridging the Gap: Issues with Equal Pay”…

February 1, 2017

Ringing in the New Year: Employment Issues to Monitor in 2017

Whitney Ferrer authored this article reminding employers that states have been much more active in…
