July 1, 2014

Critical Employment Law Issues to Consider When Doing Business in LATAM

Latin American BriefingsThis article authored by Johan Lubbe, Monica Schiaffino, Renata Neeser and Rogelio

In the News
July 1, 2014

What now for those in same-sex marriage limbo?

Lafayette Journal & Courier (JC Online)In this article, Mike Moffat is quoted on issues related to employee

In the News
July 1, 2014

Mach Mining-EEOC High Court Case Could Be ‘Game Changer’

Law360.comIn this article, Barry Hartstein provides perspective on the legal issues surrounding Mach

In the News
June 30, 2014

Lawyers Weigh In On Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby Ruling

Law360.comSteven Friedman provides insight in this article discussing the implications of Burwell v.

In the News
June 30, 2014

Supreme Court Avoids Broad Ruling on Public-Sector Union Fees

The Wall Street JournalIn this article discussing the U. S. Supreme Court ruling that Illinois home-based
