August 11, 2014

Legal Implications of Testing Job Applicants

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)Bob Ortbals authored this article examining the implications

In the News
August 8, 2014

Another executive order constricts compliance for government contractors

InsideCounselIn this article, Linda Jackson provides perspective on President Obama's signing of

In the News
August 7, 2014

Change to VETS Form ‘Long Overdue’

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)In this article exploring a change to the annual Department

In the News
August 7, 2014

Are robots coming for your job?

The Washington PostIn this article, Garry Mathiason comments on a study conducted by the Pew Research

In the News
August 7, 2014

Legal experts foresee split decision in same-sex marriage case from federal appeals court

Cleveland Plain-DealerAlex Frondorf's commentary is included in this article exploring a same-sex
