September 5, 2014

Job Applications Can Cut Short Protracted Litigation

Law360.comIn this article, Keith Rosenblatt and Rachel Seaton provide insight on how a reduced limitations

In the News
September 4, 2014

Fast Food Strikes Erupt in 150 Cities, With Hundreds of Arrests, Organizers Say

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportMichael Lotito is quoted on his perspective on the issues surrounding

In the News
September 4, 2014

Protests Seek to Replicate Success in Seattle

Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM)In this article, Michael Lotito is quoted on the issues surrounding

In the News
September 4, 2014

Why This Latest Court Challenge Could Spell Doom for Obamacare

Inc.comSteven Friedman is quoted in this article about legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act.View

September 3, 2014

The 3rd Circuit tells employers that saying ‘it’s in the mail’ does not prove receipt of FMLA notice

Thomson Reuters Westlaw's Journal EmploymentMark Phillis and Barbara Rittinger Rigo provide insight
