In the News
December 1, 2014

15 Rainmakers Share How They Shine

Diversity & the BarIn this article, James Oh is profiled in the Diversity & the Bar’s annual List of

In the News
December 1, 2014

Labor Board Poised to Say Who’s the Boss in Browning-Ferris Case

BloombergIn this article, Michael Lotito and Elizabeth “Missy” Parry are quoted on their perspective

December 1, 2014

Preparing for the Elimination of the Minimum Wage and Overtime Exemption for Home Healthcare Aides

The Health LawyerAngelo Spinola and Shannon Creasy provide commentary in this article exploring the elimination

In the News
November 26, 2014

Dealing with global mobility

Latin LawyerMarco Durante comments on the issues surrounding sending employees abroad as part of a panel

In the News
November 25, 2014

DOL's Use of Hot Goods Enforcement Tool Is Too Aggressive, Some Observers Contend

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportIn this article, Tammy McCutchen provides insight on the Labor Department's
