In the News
December 22, 2014

Job-Misclassification Woes

Human Resource Executive OnlineIn this article, Lee Schreter provides insight on employers nationwide

In the News
December 22, 2014

Judge Strikes a Labor Department Rule on Home Care Worker Wages

National Law JournalIn this article discussing the recent decision of a federal judge to strike down

In the News
December 22, 2014

HR Should Take the Lead on Cybersecurity

Society For Human Resources (SHRM)Phil Gordon provides commentary on the issues surrounding cyber security

In the News
December 19, 2014

Attorney General Holder moves to protect transgendered under Civil Rights Act

Business InsuranceDenise Visconti is quoted in this article on the Department of Justice’s announcement

In the News
December 19, 2014

NLRB Targets McDonald’s, Franchisees As ‘Joint Employers’

Law360.comMichael Lotito provides commentary on the National Labor Relations Board’s complaints against
