In the News
January 28, 2015

Inclement Weather Poses FLSA Challenges

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)In this article, Bill Allen provides insight on exempt and

Press Release
January 28, 2015

Littler’s Indianapolis Office Adds Seasoned Attorney Steven V. Shoup

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (January 28, 2015) – Littler, the world’s largest employment and labor law practice

In the News
January 28, 2015

McConnell, Alexander Take Another Shot At Revamping NLRB, Adding Sixth Member

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportMichael Lotito provides commentary on the National Labor Relations Board’s

In the News
January 28, 2015

OFCCP Issues Proposal to Update Outdated Sex Bias Rules to Conform With Current Law

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportIn this article on the Labor Department's Office of Federal Contract

January 26, 2015

Brazil Garment Industry – Health and Safety Issues Overview

Association of Corporate Counsel QuickCounselIn this article authored by Renata Neeser, health and safety
