Paul Piccigallo explains that the direct impact of minimum wage increases an employers' costs and depends on a variety of factors. (Subscription required.)
Rhonda B. Levy and Barry Kuretzky examine a case in which the British Columbia Supreme Court considered whether an employer can place an employee on unpaid leave for not complying with its mandatory vaccination policy in a non-unionized workplace. (Subsc
Jorge Sales Boyoli explains that while the minimum wage in Mexico has increased twice in the past seven or eight years, the working poor have not decreased as much.
Theodora Lee shares her recommendations and guideposts to promote an inclusive, equitable and diverse workplace, while attempting to minimize the risk of legal exposure.
Rachel P. Kaercher, Wendy Buckingham and William J. Simmons examine a new ordinance passed by the Atlanta City Council that amends its existing anti-discrimination law to include protections on the basis of criminal history status and gender expression. (