Press Release
June 1, 2023

Littler Named Among Top Five “Best Law Firms for Women and Diversity” by Seramount

Littler is one of the top five firms on the list, which recognizes those utilizing best practices in recruiting, retaining, promoting and developing women lawyers and – for the first time – lawyers from underrepresented groups, including people of color.

In the News
May 31, 2023

News focus: Employment law is changing fast

Sophie Vanhegan provides insight on why courts are having a more subjective view on non-compete clauses.

In the News
May 30, 2023

Noncompete Clauses Violate Labor Law, NLRB Lawyer Says

Michael Lotito explains the possible labor issue that may rise if the FTC’s new proposed ban on noncompete clauses passes. (Subscription required.)

In the News
May 26, 2023

Experts warned hybrid work would be hard. Employers are confronting the harsh reality.

Devjani Mishra said managers are now encountering hybrid work scenarios for which there is no precedent or existing protocols. (Subscription required.)

May 26, 2023

Minnesota Passes Sick and Safe Leave Law

Holly Robbins examines Minnesota’s new Earned Sick and Safe Leave law (ESSL), including who is eligible and how to use it. (Subscription required.)
