Alexander Thomas MacDonald explains what the outcome would look if one union – Service Employees International Union – held an effective monopoly over bargaining in the rideshare industry.
Jeanine Conley Daves, Kate Mrkonich Wilson and Erin Webber say that despite legal challenges and the Supreme Court decision against college affirmative action programs, many companies are still committed to fostering inclusive and diverse workplaces. (Sub
Ellen Donovan McCann, Alice Kokodis and Jim Paretti explain the Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave’s new, more employer-friendly guidance. (Subscription required.)
Jeanine Conley Daves and Kate Mrkonich Wilson say they are seeing many employers maintain—or even double down on—their commitment to IE&D, but they are trying to develop programs that comply with federal and state laws as IE&D initiatives face increased b
Despite an increasingly challenging environment for diversity-related initiatives, many employers have deepened their commitment to IE&D over the past year.