Built for your tomorrow

Legal strategies and solutions for employers of all sizes, everywhere.

At Littler, our unparalleled commitment to labor and employment law helps our clients navigate a complex business world with nuanced legal issues – building better solutions for their toughest challenges.
Two women in business attire walking outdoors in conversation

We’re local, everywhere.

Littler is the largest global employment and labor law practice devoted exclusively to representing management. With attorneys and offices around the world, Littler serves as the single source solution provider to the global employer community, bringing deep understanding and vital insight to the issues your business is facing, wherever it’s located.

Overhead view of business people in a lobby meeting around a table

Fostering a diverse team of the brightest minds and a culture that celebrates original thinking.

Working at Littler means the ability to collaborate with kind, supportive, trusting, intelligent, and friendly people. A place where employees are encouraged and incentivized to innovate and pursue new ideas.

Let us know how we can help you navigate your particular workplace legal issues.