“Pay equality is one of the biggest issues our nation faces.”
– U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Brown University, February 6, 2018

Concerns about pay inequality have intensified greatly in recent years. Politicians, media and the public are voicing strong opposition to employers paying women, and other historically marginalized groups, less for the same or substantially similar work. In addition to federal regulations, states and cities across the U.S. are increasingly adopting pay equity laws in an effort to close pay gaps.

Compliance with the patchwork of federal, state and local equal pay laws can be daunting, particularly as we head into the season during which many companies traditionally conduct performance evaluations and make compensation decisions. Adding to this already complicated framework, there recently has been an expansion of state and local laws that prohibit employers from asking applicants for prior salary information and preclude employers from using prior salary to set compensation.

During this webinar, attendees will receive an update on recent legal developments as well as compliance guidelines and recommendations on how to prepare for upcoming compensation decisions. Attendees also will receive a demonstration of the Littler Pay Equity Assessment™, a new platform that combines Littler’s deep experience in employment law with propriety technology to automate and streamline the mathematical modeling required for a defensible pay equity audit.