
Paul Weiner is a blue flame thinker and Chambers Band 1-ranked eDiscovery lawyer, who focuses on the cutting-edge of law, data and technology to solve clients’ business challenges from the explosion of data and emergent workplace technologies, serving as a shareholder and Littler’s National eDiscovery Counsel. As quoted by Chambers: "It's not just about the quantity and quality of the advice, but also the presentation: is this person someone I can put before C-suite executives, particularly for complex matters like eDiscovery. Paul is that person: he's very knowledgeable in his subject matter but can have a conversation with you where you don't feel out of your depth, which is very important given the work he does. He has great strategic thinking."

In a world where technology has moved from the realm of science fiction to everyday reality, and business is conducted and people live their lives digitally–and globally–Paul marries technology skills, litigation experience and deep subject matter knowledge, pushing the limits of innovation to provide enhanced value to clients. His North Star is winning your case, and he never loses sight that the goal of all discovery, including eDiscovery, is to quickly address the merits to win. From his hands-on experience, particularly in high-exposure and often precendent-setting state and federal class, FLSA collective and California PAGA cases, Paul brings a practical and cost-effective perspective to what can often be esoteric eDiscovery issues that can sidetrack a case from its merits. Paul is also a skilled advocate and "explainer": one of his strengths is persuasively distilling complex technology and legal concepts into simple, easily understood language, so non-technical executives, lawyers, mediators, and judges can readily apply them.

Industry-leading efforts from Littler, the world’s largest employment and labor law practice representing management, are driven by Paul. He leads a high-performing team of dedicated eDiscovery lawyers, litigation support project managers and specialists, programmers, developers, data analysts, database administrators, and trainers who provide sophisticated advice, forward-thinking strategy, and hands-on litigation solutions to clients globally, leveraging leading-edge technology, project management skills and alternative pricing strategies. He also built and manages the Littler National Data Center that handles electronic evidence processing and hosting activities, using best-of-breed technologies (Littler was the 4th law firm in the country to adopt Relativity and was the first AMLAW 100 to migrate to Relativity One, see Littler Goes All In With Relativity One), and quality assurance workflows, providing clients with a turn-key solution that typically is more cost-effective and streamlined than using outside vendors.

Industry leadership roles afford Paul opportunities to transform the field. He co-chairs the Advisory Board for the Georgetown Law Global Advanced eDiscovery Institute - which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2023, and consistently features more state and federal judges steeped in eDiscovery than any other program in the country, serves on the Working Group Series Leadership Council of The Sedona Conference, served multiple terms on the Steering Committee of Sedona Working Group 1, is a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation (limited to 1% of lawyers admitted to practice in the U.S.), and is a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management.

Paul is known for scanning the horizon - not just to anticipate the future of the field, but to shape it. He is a contributing author to the Electronic Discovery Institute Judges’ Guide to eDiscovery – specifically the “In Employment Cases, eDiscovery is a Two-Way Street” chapter for use by the Federal Bench (in today’s digital world there is often a wealth of discoverable ESI controlled by plaintiffs, which levels the playing field in what was traditionally viewed as asymmetrical litigation, as discovery obligations apply just as forcefully to individual plaintiffs – and their counsel), a contributing author to the Electronic Discovery Reference Model’s Using Special Masters and eDiscovery Mediators to Resolve eDiscovery Disputes: A Bench Book for Judges and Attorneys, and the Executive Editor of The Sedona Conference’s Commentary on Rules 34 and 45 Possession, Custody or Control (analyzing a circuit split to determine whether a litigant or subpoenaed non-party has “possession, custody, or control” of documents or data under Rules 34 and 45, and recommending the Rules Committee adopt a uniform, national standard modeled on the “Legal Right” test followed by the majority of circuits). He has published numerous thought-leadership articles in preeminent journals and national publications such as ABA Journal of Litigation, ABA Employment & Labor Relations Law Newsletter, Law Technology News, Law360, New York Law Journal, and National Law Journal, among many others. He frequently lectures at prestigious conferences and law schools to educate C-Suite executives, judges, lawyers, and law students about  demystifying issues arising from the worldwide data deluge, new technologies that emerge almost daily, and changes to legal standards, industry guidance and court rules as they develop to keep pace.

Based upon his innovative approaches to complex issues, Paul has been appointed an eDiscovery Special Master in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and in multiple counties of the Court of Common Pleas of Pennsylvania, and is on the roster of eDiscovery Special Masters for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania.

For over a decade, Paul has been one of a select group of lawyers in the world ranked for eDiscovery by Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers (1 of 8 in  Band 1), Chambers & Partners Global, and a Thought Leader Nationwide by Who’s Who Legal: Litigation. In 2019, Who’s Who also ranked Littler as one of only two “Leading Law Firms” in the world in eDiscovery, and every year since Chambers started ranking departments in 2020, Littler has been one of only a few ranked for eDiscovery by Chambers USA.

Paul is also a culture carrier at Littler, having served in a variety of leadership roles, including having served as Chair of the Nominating Committee (selects the Board of Directors), Chair of the Governance Committee (sets, enforces and periodically updates firm governance standards), Chair of the Innovation Advisory Council (whose focus is breaking down traditional legal processes and re-engineering them for the better, resulting in data-driven and technology-enhanced approaches to delivering business solutions) and as Associate General Counsel. With the Firm’s Managing Director, he co-moderates the general session of Littler's annual Executive Employer conference.

Paul has completed the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management Littler LEAD (Leadership Excellence and Development) Executive Program. This curated leadership training focused on values-based leadership, deliberate practice and feedback, communicating and collaborating authentically as an executive, creating a culture of agile execution, managing and motivating across differences, coaching performance during change, unleashing the potential of diverse teams, and building individual and organizational resilience.

Outside of his law practice, Paul is active in the community, the bar and pro bono organizations, having served as a board member of breastcancer.org, and the President and long-time Executive Committee Member of The Temple American Inn of Court, including as Ambassador to the International Inns of Court, where he co-chaired several Cross Border Programs presented by the Temple Inn and Gray’s Inn, London, in Philadelphia, London, and virtually (during COVID). In 2023 (along with the Honorable Cynthia Rufe), he was Co-Recipient of the Inaugural Honorable Lowell A Reed, Jr. Distinguished Professionalism Award.

Professional & Community Affiliations

Fellow (Top 1% of lawyers admitted to practice in the U.S.)

American Bar Foundation


Member, Board of Directors

Temple American Inn of Court

2005-present (additional roles include Ambassador to the International Inns of Court 2017–present; Counselor to the President 2013-2016; President 2011-2012; Vice President 2010-2011; Treasurer 2007-2010; Recorder 2005-2007)

Co-Chair, Advisory Board

Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute®

2013-present (additional roles include Member, Advisory Board 2009-present; Planning Committee Co-Chair - various years)

Member, Steering Committee

Working Group on Electronic Document Retention and Production (WG1)

The Sedona Conference®

2013-2017 (multiple terms)

Member, Working Group Series Leadership Council

The Sedona Conference®


Member, Editorial Board

The Federal Judges' Guide to Discovery (Edition 2.0)

The Electronic Discovery Institute

Member, Board of Directors



Guest Lecturer

Trial Advocacy and Integrated Advocacy Programs

Temple University Beasley School of Law



Named, The Best Lawyers in America®


Ranked, E-Discovery & Information Governance

Band 1

Chambers USA


Ranked, E-Discovery & Information Governance

Band 1

Chambers Global


Co-Recipient, Inaugural Honorable Lowell A Reed, Jr. Distinguished Professionalism Award

(Along with The Honorable Cynthia Rufe)

Temple American Inn of Court, U.S. Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA


Named, Litigation: eDiscovery

Who's Who Legal

2015 (Creation of inaugural category)-present

Named, Thought Leader - Litigation - eDiscovery

Who's Who Legal


News, Analysis & Press

Legal Tech's Predictions for E-Discovery in 2024

Legaltech News

January 16, 2024

Commentary on Rule 34 and Rule 45 Possession, Custody, or Control

The Sedona Conference®

January 2024

Commentary on Rule 34 and Rule 45 Possession, Custody, or Control, 17 SEDONA CONF. J. 467 (2016)

The Sedona Conference® Brainstorming Group

June 2023

Legal Tech's Predictions for E-Discovery in 2023

Legaltech News

January 9, 2023

Legal Tech's Milestones for E-Discovery in 2022

Legaltech News

December 27, 2022

The Latest Legal News, Research and Legal Profiles

Who's Who Legal

October 1, 2018

The Latest Legal News, Research and Legal Profiles

Who's Who Legal

October 1, 2017

Commentary on Rule 34 and Rule 45 Possession, Custody, or Control

The Sedona Conference®

August 2016

Securing Protected Data in U.S. Legal Proceedings: Protective Orders

The Sedona Conference® International Programme on Cross-Border Discovery & Data Protection Laws

June 2016

In Employment Cases, eDiscovery is a Two-Way Street

The Federal Judges’ Guide to Discovery (Edition 2.0)

December 2015

The Big Move Toward Big Data in Employment

Littler Report

August 4, 2015

Commentary on Rule 34 and Rule 45 Possession, Custody, or Control (Public Comment Version)

The Sedona Conference®

April 15, 2015

Amended Rules of Civil Procedure Address eDiscovery Preservation and Sanctions, Among Other Areas

Corporate Law & Accountability Report, Bloomberg BNA

January 14, 2015

Amended Rules of Civil Procedure Address eDiscovery Preservation and Sanctions, Among Other Areas

Inside Counsel Magazine

November 14, 2014

Analysis paralysis


October 1, 2014

The Transformation of the Workplace Through Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Automation

Littler Report

February 13, 2014

An Opportunity to Give Back

The Bencher

American Inns of Court

September/October 2013

Anatomy of an Employment Class Action

The Sedona Conference® 7th Annual Getting Ahead of the Curve Program

7th Annual eDiscovery Program: Living on eDiscovery’s Cutting Edge - The Sedona Conference Institute

March 21, 2013

A Litigator's Guide to Social Media Discovery in Civil Actions

The Legal Intelligencer

January 29, 2013

Impatient Judges Push Lawyers to Dive Into eDiscovery

Law Technology News

December 7, 2012

The "Bring Your Own Device" to Work Movement

Littler Report

May 10, 2012

True Grit: Four Models to Rein in eDiscovery Costs

Law Technology News

January 30, 2012

Survey Predicts Big Revenue Spike for Litigation Support


January 30, 2012

It’s Time to Clarify via Amended Rules that Proportionality Must Apply to Preservation

A Legal Hold Pro™ Signature Paper

October 2011

Digging Out of the eDiscovery Morass One Idea at a Time

The Legal Intelligencer

September 15, 2011

Bridging the eDiscovery Gap Between Bench and Bar

NY Litigator

Vol. 16, No. 1

Summer 2011

Pension Committee Revisited: A Retrospective of the Impact of Judge Scheindlin's Influential Opinion

A Legal Hold Pro™ Signature Paper

February 2011

Who You Gonna Call

The American Lawyer

October 19, 2010

eDiscovery Best Practices: California Rule of Court Requires Advance Meeting and Planning

BNA Digital Discovery & E-Evidence

Vol. 10, No. 9

June 10, 2010

Education of Lawyers, IT and 'Digital Packrats' Urged to Reduce eDiscovery Costs

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

November 20, 2009

Toward More Effective Search Terms for eDiscovery

Employment Law360

July 29, 2009

Strategies for Managing eDiscovery in Smaller Cases

Employment Law360

July 1, 2009

Can eDiscovery Counsel Meet Client Needs?

The National Law Journal

October 14, 2008

Qualcomm v. Broadcom: Morgan Stanley Redux?

Employment & Labor Relations Law Newsletter

Section of Litigation - American Bar Association (ABA), Vol. 7, No. 1

Fall 2008

Law Firm Unveils In-House eDiscovery Services

Employment Law360

August 14, 2008

3 Ways to Prepare for eDiscovery

Employment Law360

August 6, 2008

eDiscovery Spurs Demand for Legal, IT Experts

Employment Law360

August 6, 2008

All eDiscovery, All the Time

The Philadelphia Business Journal

November 2007

Navigating the New eDiscovery Rules

ABA Section of Litigation, Tips from the Trenches Column

October 2007

eDiscovery Roundtable (transcript)

The Legal Intelligencer

April 11, 2007

US v. Stein: An Update

Civil Litigation Update

Vol. 12, No. 1, Pennsylvania Bar Association

Spring 2007

Navigating the New eDiscovery Rules

Litigation Journal

Section of Litigation - American Bar Association, Vol. 33, No. 2

Winter 2007

Failing to Produce e-Mails Could Cost Your Client ... One Billion Dollars! 10 Lessons Learned from an eDiscovery Sanction


Spring 2006

US v. Stein: A Crack in the Armor of the United States Department of Justice's Thompson Memorandum

Civil Litigation Update

Pennsylvania Bar Association, Vol. 11, No. 4

Winter 2006

Drafting International Arbitration Clauses to Avoid Unnecessary Disputes and Confusion

Journal of Alternative Dispute Resolution - ICFAI

July 2005

Tips for Protecting Your Litigation Interests in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Contracts

Contract Manufacturing for Biopharmaceuticals Conference

May 2005

The Class Action Fairness Act of 2005: An Overview

Civil Litigation Update

Pennsylvania Bar Association, Vol. 10, No. 2

Spring 2005

Drafting International Arbitration Clauses to Avoid Unnecessary Disputes and Confusion

Mealey's International Arbitration Report

Vol. 19, No. 9

September 2004

Pitfalls In Drafting Arbitration Clauses: Tips For Avoiding Costly Disputes

Atlantic Coast In-House

Vol. 1, No. 3

April 2004

Swift Sanctions: An Analysis of Proposed New Rule of Civil Procedure 229.1

Civil Litigation Update

Vol. 9, No. 1

Winter 2004

Arbitration is Not Always Quick: In Complex Cases, Careful Thought is Needed Before Giving Up the Court Process

The National Law Journal

November 17, 2003

Digital Dangers: A Primer on Electronic Evidence In The Wake of Enron

Litigation Journal

Section of Litigation - American Bar Association (ABA), Vol. 30, No. 1

Fall 2003

Digital Dangers: A Primer on Electronic Evidence In The Wake of Enron

Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly

January 2003

Paying for Electronic Discovery: The Tables Are Beginning To Turn

Civil Litigation Update

Pennsylvania Bar Association, Vol. 7, No. 4

Fall 2002

Ten Ways to Contain the Cost of Electronic Discovery

Pennsylvania Law Weekly

September 30, 2002

Advancing Litigation Expenses for Corporate Officers and Directors Accused of Wrongdoing

Outside Counsel

Fall 2000

Books & Book Chapters

  • The Sedona Conference Commentary on Rule 34 and Rule 45 Possession, Custody, or Control, Reissued January 2024 (to reaffirm the guidance and recommendations of the 2016 Commentary), Executive Editor and Working Group 1 Steering Committee Liaison (with Judicial Observer, Judge Kristen Mix, D.Co.) , January 2024 (reissued)
  • Using Special Masters and eDiscovery Mediators to Resolve eDiscovery Disputes: A Bench Book for Judges and Attorneys, Contributing Author, EDRM, 2022
  • Ballet, Magna-Tiles and Doughnuts: A Framework for Mutual Compliance with Amended Rule 34, The ABA Journal of the Section of Litigation, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 9 – 11, Winter 2018
  • eDiscovery for the 21st Century and Beyond, Chapter Author (Chapter 27, pp. 581 – 628), The Improvement in the Administration of Justice Eighth Edition, ABA Lawyers Conference Judicial Division, Peter M. Koelling, Editor, January 2017
  • The Sedona Conference Commentary on Rule 34 and Rule 45 Possession, Custody, or Control, Executive Editor and Working Group 1 Steering Committee Liaison, August 2016
  • In Employment Cases, eDiscovery is a Two-Way Street, The Federal Judges’ Guide to Discovery (Edition 2.0), Chapter 12, The Electronic Discovery Institute, December 2015
  • The Littler Report: The Move Towards Big Data in Employment, Contributing Author (eDiscovery section), August 2015
  • The Sedona Conference Commentary on Rule 34 and Rule 45 Possession, Custody, or Control, Team Leader and Working Group 1 Steering Committee Liaison, April 15, 2015 (Public Comment Version)
  • The Littler Report: The Transformation of the Workplace Through Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Employment and Labor Law Issues, Solutions and the Legislative and Regulatory Response, Contributing Author, February 2014
  • The Littler Report: The “Bring Your Own Device to Work” Movement, Contributing Author, May 2012
  • The Littler Ten: Employment, Labor and Benefit Law Trends for Navigating the New Decade, Contributing Author, September 2010
  • Navigating the New eDiscovery Rules, The ABA Journal of the Section of Litigation, Vol. 33, No. 2, Winter 2007
  • Failing to Produce emails Could Cost Your Client . . . One Billion Dollars! 10 Lessons Learned from an eDiscovery Sanction, Co-Author, Monograph, Spring 2006
  • Digital Dangers: A Primer On Electronic Evidence In The Wake of Enron, The ABA Journal of the Section of Litigation, Co-Author, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 24-30, Fall 2003

Speaking Engagements

Demystifying eDiscovery: Effective strategies to harness today’s worldwide data deluge

Speaker, The 2023 Littler European Executive Employer Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands

November 8, 2023

A Conversation About the Pros and Cons of a Written Versus Unwritten Constitution

Co-Planner, a Joint Event of Gray’s Inn, London and Temple American Inn of Court, Philadelphia, National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA

October 26, 2023

Panelist, Picking Up the Slack, Demystifying Modern Collections

PREX 2021, Virtual

September 28, 2021

Faculty Member, The Sedona Conference eDiscovery Negotiation Training – Practical Cooperative Strategies


February 9–11, 2021

Panelist, Should We Build a Better Mousetrap?

The Sedona Conference® Working Group 1, Electronic Document Retention and Production, Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO

October 24, 2019

Moderator, Possession, Custody & Control: Employee Personal Data, Communications Channels, & Devices

The 5th Annual Judicial Training Symposium (a joint educational initiative of The Electronic Discovery Institute and The Federal Judicial Center), Lake Tahoe, NV

October 16, 2019

Moderator, It’s a Mobile World

PREX 2019: Actionable Strategies for In-House eDiscovery, Chicago, IL

September 18, 2019

Colloquium Co-Lead Moderator, The Exchange

Today’s General Counsel eDiscovery Institute for the Corporate Market, New York, NY

July 16 - 17, 2019

Co-Moderator, General Session, Fueled by Ingenuity, Inspired by You: Your Challenges, Our Solutions

The 2019 Executive Employer® Conference (36th year), Phoenix, AZ

May 9, 2019

Guest Lecturer, eDiscovery: Digital Dangers in the 21st Century

LL.M. in Trial Advocacy, Temple University Beasley School of Law, Philadelphia, PA

January 3, 2019

Debater (Responding Parties), The Great Debate: In re Broiler Chicken, Order of Special Master Regarding ESI Search Methodologies

15th Annual Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Washington, D.C.

November 15, 2018

Guest Lecturer, How the Legal Industry is Creating New Career Paths: New Technologies, Methods, Outcomes, and Opportunities for Graduates in Law, Business and Tech

Cornell Tech – LAW 6304: Delivering Legal Services Through Technology, New York, NY

October 29, 2018

Moderator, Evolving Challenges: Communications in the Cloud

The Sedona Conference® Working Group 1, Electronic Document Retention and Production, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA

October 26, 2018

Co-Chair, The Great Debates Continue, TED-Talk Style: Jury Trials in Civil Cases, Unique Issues in Terrorism Trials, and Threats to Judicial Independence - The UK and the U.S. Perspective

Joint Inn of Court Program presented by Temple Inn of Court and Gray’s Inn, London, Philadelphia, PA

October 18, 2018

Colloquium Co-Lead Moderator

Today’s General Counsel eDiscovery Institute for the Corporate Market, New York, NY

July 17 - 18, 2018

Gigabytes of GPS and Terabytes of Texts: eDiscovery for the Digital Workplace

Nevada Association of Corporate Counsel, Las Vegas, NV

May 23, 2018

Co-Moderator, Navigating the Ever-Evolving Times: Practical Solutions for Long-Term Workplace Sustainability

The 2018 Executive Employer® Conference, Phoenix, AZ

May 3, 2018

Moderator, Judicial Roundtable

14th Annual Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Washington, D.C.

November 17, 2017

Moderator, Judicial Roundtable

The Sedona Conference® Working Group 1, Electronic Document Retention and Production, Annual Meeting (15th Anniversary), Phoenix, AZ

November 3, 2017

Panelist, Early Case Management to Promote Efficiency and Cut Costs

The Electronic Discovery Institute’s 3rd Annual Judicial Training Symposium, Marana, AZ

October 10, 2017

Panelist, Evaluating Correctness and Reliability of TAR

Duke Law Conference on Technology Assisted Review (“TAR”) Best Practices, Arlington, VA

September 7, 2017

Colloquium Co-Lead Moderator

Today’s General Counsel eDiscovery Institute for the Corporate Market, New York, NY

July 18 - 19, 2017

Panelist, How Would You Rule? The Effects of the December 2015 Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Day 2 Keynote Panel, Legalweek 2017, New York, NY

February 1, 2017

Moderator, Possession, Custody and Control Across Federal Circuits

13th Annual Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Washington, D.C.

November 10, 2016

One Year Later: Developments in Production Under Rule 34 and State Law Equivalents

Dialogue Leader, The Sedona Conference Working Group 1 Yearly Meeting, Atlanta, GA

October 27, 2016

Moderator, eDiscovery in Employment Cases

2016 Electronic Discovery Institute Leadership Summit, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

October 14, 2016

Panelist, Technology 2020 and Case Study on “Possession, Custody, or Control”

3rd Annual Innovations in eDiscovery, New York, NY

September 28, 2016

Faculty Member, eDiscovery Challenges in Specific Practice Areas: Employment

The Electronic Discovery Institute Distance Learning Initiative, Curated Web Training and Certification Curriculum

September 2016

Colloquium Co-Lead Moderator, Today’s General Counsel eDiscovery Institute for the Corporate Market

New York, NY

July 18 - 19, 2016

eDiscovery 2.0: Navigating the New eDiscovery Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

State Bar of Nevada, Labor & Employment Law Section, Lloyd George Federal Courthouse, Las Vegas, simulcast to Bruce Thompson Federal Courthouse, Reno

June 18, 2016

Co-Moderator, The Ever-Evolving Workplace: Practical Strategies for Addressing Future and Current Employment Law Challenges

The 2016 Executive Employer® Conference, Phoenix, AZ

May 5, 2016

Faculty Member, Federal Rule of Evidence 502

The Electronic Discovery Institute Distance Learning Initiative, Curated Web Training and Certification Curriculum

March 2016

Panelist, Navigating the New Rules

Innovations in eDiscovery Conference, New York, NY

December 9, 2015

Panelist, eDiscovery 2020

12th Annual Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Washington, D.C.

November 19, 2015

Panelist, Preservation and the Evolving IT Landscape

The 4th Annual Conference on Preservation Excellence, Portland, OR

September 18, 2015

Moderator, The Essential Preservation Plan

The 4th Annual Conference on Preservation Excellence, Portland, OR

September 17, 2015

Presenter, eDiscovery 2.0

2015 Houston Employer Conference, Houston, TX

August 13, 2015

Colloquium Co-Lead Moderator, eDiscovery Institute for the Corporate Market

Today's General Counsel, New York, NY

July 20-21, 2015

The Road to Workplace 2020: Lessons from the Past, Current Developments and Future Trends

The 2015 Executive Employer® Conference, Phoenix, AZ

May 7, 2015

Digital Dangers: eDiscovery in the 21st Century

Commercial Litigation Institute - Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Philadelphia, PA

March 18, 2015

Ethical Issues for In-House Counsel, Littler Briefing

Philadelphia, PA

October 8, 2014

Colloquium Co-Lead Moderator, eDiscovery Institute for the Corporate Market

Today’s General Counsel, New York, NY

July 16-17, 2014

Right-Sizing Your Process: eDiscovery on a Limited Budget

eDiscovery Series - The Federal Bar Association, Western Pennsylvania Chapter, Pittsburgh, PA

May 29, 2014

Dealing with Difficult Data: a Look at Preserving and Producing Increasingly Common but Challenging Data Sources

8th Annual National Institute on eDiscovery, Center for Professional Development and the Section of Litigation - American Bar Association, New York, NY

May 16, 2014

Ethical Issues for In House Counsel

The 2014 Executive Employer® Conference, Phoenix, AZ

May 9, 2014

Employee Privacy in the Age of Big Brother Technology

The 2014 Executive Employer® Conference, Phoenix, AZ

May 8, 2014

The Snowden Effect

The Sedona Conference® Program on Cross-Border Discovery, San Francisco, CA

April 9, 2014

Possession, Custody and Control in Cross-Border Discovery

The Sedona Conference® Program on Cross-Border Discovery, San Francisco, CA

April 9, 2014

21st Century Challenges to the Open Court Principle in the U.S. and the UK

Temple American Inn of Court and The Bar Council, London, England

April 2, 2014

Social Media for Litigators: Admissibility, Preservation and the Latest Judicial Developments

American Law Institute, Philadelphia, PA

December 5, 2013

Right-Sizing Your Process: eDiscovery on a Limited Budget

10th Annual Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Washington DC

November 21, 2013

eDiscovery Jeopardy

Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Philadelphia, PA

November 11, 2013

BYOD, Social Media and Privilege

eDiscovery Advocacy Institute, New York, NY

October 1, 2013

Colloquium Co-Lead Moderator, eDiscovery Institute for the Corporate Market

Today’s General Counsel, New York, NY

July 17-18, 2013

Managing Privacy, Mitigating Risks: Social Media, BYOD, Cloud Computing

2013 Conference - eDiscovery Intelligence, Pittsburgh, PA

May 21-22, 2013

Friendly Fire at the Bar: A Debate on Predictive Coding Debate

2013 Conference - eDiscovery Intelligence, Pittsburgh, PA

May 21-22, 2013

Fostering a Culture of Compliance

New York Conference on Preservation Excellence, New York, NY

April 30, 2013

Preserving Wild Data/Emerging Data Sources

New York Conference on Preservation Excellence, New York, NY

April 30, 2013

Case Law Update

New York Conference on Preservation Excellence, New York, NY

April 30, 2013

Possession, Custody & Control

2013 Mid-Year Meeting, Working Group on Electronic Document Retention & Production - The Sedona Conference®, St. Louis, MO

April 26, 2013

Compliance and Liability Prevention Fundamentals: Employee Handbooks, Policies, Background Checks, Drug Testing and Data Protection

The Global Employer® – Latin America Conference, Miami, FL

February 22, 2013

Preparing to Depose an IT Custodian

9th Annual Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Washington, DC

December 7, 2012

The 2012 eDiscovery Briefing

Huron Legal Institute, Philadelphia, PA

November 15, 2012

Sustainable Innovations for a Changing Global Workforce

Global Employer® Institute, Washington D.C.

November 8, 2012

Where Do We Go From Here

2012 Conference on Preservation Excellence, Portland, OR

September 27-28, 2012

Recognizing the Triggering Event

2012 Conference on Preservation Excellence, Portland, OR

September 27-28, 2012

When Preservation is a Real Challenge

2012 Conference on Preservation Excellence, Portland, OR

September 27-28, 2012

eDiscovery 2.0: Top Tips and Trends

Association of Corporate Counsel, Nevada Chapter, Las Vegas, NV

September 25, 2012

The New Amendments to the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure on eDiscovery (effective August 1, 2012) … Are You Ready?

Pennsylvania Bar Institute Webinar

August 8, 2012

Resources and Tips for Staying Current

eDiscovery for the Corporate Market - Executive Counsel Institute, New York, NY

July 17, 2012

Dealing with Challenges of Legal Holds: Pension Committee, Rimkus, Pippins & Progeny

eDiscovery for the Corporate Market - Executive Counsel Institute, New York, NY

July 16, 2012

The Importance of Day-to-Day Processes, Management Skills, Swimming Upstream: Information Management and Governance

eDiscovery for the Corporate Market - Executive Counsel Institute, New York, NY

July 16, 2012

Making the Business Case for Information Governance

Nuix Leadership Forum, Palm Beach, FL

June 18, 2012

eDiscovery Jeopardy

Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Philadelphia, PA

May 11, 2012

Ethical Minefields and eDiscovery – A Perfect Match

The 2012 Executive Employer® Conference, Scottsdale, AZ

May 10, 2012

Addressing Retaliation and Whistleblowing

The 2012 Executive Employer® Conference, Scottsdale, AZ

May 9, 2012

eDiscovery 2.0: Top 10 Tips and Trends, Littler Briefing

Philadelphia, PA

May 2, 2012

Possession, Custody & Control in Today’s Brave New World

2012 Mid-Year Meeting, Electronic Document Retention & Production Working Group - The Sedona Conference®, Denver, CO

April 27, 2012

The Nuts and Bolts of Getting it Done, including the Emergence of “The Cloud” as a Repository, SaaS, Vendor Responsibilities and More

LegalTech®, New York, NY

January 31, 2012

Social Media Roundtable

15th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference - Thompson Reuters, San Francisco, CA

December 7, 2011

eDiscovery Leadership Breakfast Series

Cowen Group, Philadelphia, PA

December 1, 2011

Future of the Rules/New Developments

8th Annual Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Washington, DC

November 19, 2011

Social Media Roundtable

15th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference - Thompson Reuters, New York, NY

November 10, 2011

Risk Management (eDiscovery Department Leader Track)

Georgetown Law eDiscovery Practice Support Program, Washington, DC

November 4, 2011

A Federal Rule on Preservation & Sanctions: Exploring the Alternatives

2011 Annual Meeting, Electronic Document Retention & Production Working Group - The Sedona Conference®, Austin, TX

October 6, 2011

Preservation: Will this be the Next Change to the Federal Rules

Masters Conference for Legal Professionals, Washington, D.C.

October 3, 2011

Effective Cost and Risk Containment Steps to Achieve Proportionality

eDiscovery for the Corporate Market - Executive Counsel Institute, Houston, TX

September 23, 2011

Data Assessment from Beginning to End: Tools, Tricks and Traps

eDiscovery for the Corporate Market - Executive Counsel Institute, Houston, TX

September 22, 2011

Technology Issues in the Employment Context

Electronic Discovery Institute, Leadership Summit, Amelia Island, FL

September 7, 2011

eDiscovery in Employment Litigation

Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Philadelphia, PA

August 31, 2011

Data Assessment from Beginning to End: Tools, Tricks and Traps

eDiscovery for the Corporate Market - Executive Counsel Institute, New York, NY

July 13, 2011

Effective Cost and Risk Containment Steps to Achieve Proportionality

eDiscovery for the Corporate Market, Executive Counsel Institute, New York, NY

July 12, 2011

Ethical Challenges in the New World of eDiscovery

National Conference on Equal Employment Opportunity Law, Labor and Employment Law Section - American Bar Association, New Orleans, LA

April 9, 2011

The eDiscovery Forecast: Partly Cloudy with a New Technology Front, Large Accumulations of Data, and a Chance of Sanctions

The 2011 Executive Employer® Conference, Phoenix, AZ

April 7, 2011

Pension Committee Revisited: Where Do We Go From Here?

A Legal Hold Pro™ Signature Webinar

March 22, 2011

Gestire il diluvio di dati: Stati Uniti eDiscovery nel 21° secolo (Managing the Data Deluge: U.S. eDiscovery in the 21st Century)

La Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy

March 8, 2011

eDiscovery Issues in Wage and Hour Litigation, Parts I - III

BNA Video Insights Series - BNA Labor and Employment Resource Center™

March 7, 2011

eDiscovery and Data Privacy

Emerging Trends in Cyber Privacy Symposium, Temple University Beasley School of Law

February 5, 2011

Bridging the eDiscovery Gap Between Bench and Bar

Annual Meeting, Commercial and Federal Litigation Section - New York State Bar Association, New York, NY

January 26, 2011

Litigation Holds 2010 - What Has Changed, What Has Stayed The Same?

14th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference - Thompson Reuters, New York / Chicago / San Francisco

October/November/December 2010

The Client Speaks - Pressure Points Between In-House and Outside Counsel, A Candid Dialogue

14th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference - Thompson Reuters, New York / Chicago / San Francisco

October/November/December 2010

Practical Answers to the Most Current and Common eDiscovery Questions

eDiscovery Series - Federal Bar Association, Western Pennsylvania Chapter, Pittsburgh, PA

December 9, 2010

2010: A Sanctions Odyssey

7th Annual Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Washington, DC

November 19, 2010

eDiscovery Team Building: Do You Need National eDiscovery Counsel

Masters Conference, Washington, D.C.

October 4, 2010

Real ECA and Risk Analysis

eDiscovery for the Corporate Market - Executive Counsel Institute, New York, NY

July 13, 2010

Effective Cost and Risk Containment Steps

eDiscovery for the Corporate Market - Executive Counsel Institute, New York, NY

July 12, 2010

Zubulake Revisited: The Impact of the Pension Committee Decision on Data Preservation, Collection, Review and Production

Washington, D.C.

June 2, 2010

The Future of Employment Law Class Actions

The 2010 Executive Employer® Conference, Phoenix, AZ

April 9, 2010

How Corporations Can Operate Most Effectively with Outside Counsel

LegalTech® XXIX, New York, NY

February 2, 2010

Achieving a Cost-Efficient, Defensible Document Review

LegalTech® XXIX, New York, NY

February 2, 2010

Data Retention Plans and Early Case Assessment Technology – Moving Towards a More Effective System In-House

LegalTech® XXIX, New York, NY

February 1, 2010

eDiscovery and EPLI: Overcoming the Challenges Associated with the Preservation and Production of Electronically Stored Information and Incorporating eDiscovery into EPLI Cases

15th Annual Conference on Employment Practices Liability Insurance - American Conference Institute, New York, NY

January 26, 2010

Retrospective Analysis of Critical Cases and How to Manage Your Risk

13th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference - Thompson Reuters, New York / Chicago / San Francisco

October/November/December 2009

How Much Horsepower Do You Really Need? Proportionality Wins the Race

13th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference - Thompson Reuters, New York / Chicago / San Francisco

October/November/December 2009

eDiscovery Roundtable

American Lawyer Media

November 16, 2009

Controlling eDiscovery Costs in Smaller Stakes Litigation

6th Annual Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Washington, DC

November 12, 2009

eDiscovery in Employment Litigation: Best Practices to Avoid Sanctions and Penalties

National Teleconference - Strafford Publications

October 13, 2009

Managing the Data Deluge: eDiscovery Issues in Labor Class Actions

Employment Class Actions Conference - Law Seminars International, San Francisco, CA

July 28, 2009

Digital Dangers: Recent Developments and Trends

The Boston Employer Conference, Dedham, MA

June 24, 2009

eDiscovery and Privacy: How Domestic and Global Employers Can Manage the Ultimate 'Catch 22,'

Practical Privacy Series - International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), Santa Clara, CA

June 18, 2009

Preventing Your Intellectual Property from RIFfing out the Door

Association of Corporate Counsel, DELVACCA Chapter, Philadelphia, PA

May 15, 2009

Cost Containment in the New, Billion Dollar World of eDiscovery

The 2009 Executive Employer® Conference, Phoenix, AZ

April 24, 2009

Digital Dangers: Recent eDiscovery Developments and Trends

Portland Open House

Littler Mendelson, Portland, OR

February 20, 2009

eDiscovery in Employment Litigation: Best Practices to Avoid Sanctions and Penalties

National Teleconference - Strafford Publications

February 18, 2009

Identifying and Working with Special Masters, Neutral Experts and Expert Witnesses

12th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference - West Legalworks, New York and San Francisco

October and December 2008

eDiscovery From the Corporate Side: Challenges and Solutions

5th Annual Georgetown Law Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Arlington, VA

November 19, 2008

Digital Dangers: Recent Developments and Trends

The Ohio Employer Conference, Cleveland, OH

October 30, 2008

Cross-Border Data Transfer: An International 'Catch 22'

Global Employer® Institute, Washington, D.C.

October 25, 2008

Digital Dangers: Recent eDiscovery Developments and Trends, Littler Briefing

October 2, 2008

eDiscovery in Employment Litigation: Best Practices to Avoid Sanctions and Penalties

National Teleconference - Strafford Publications

July 29, 2008

Digital Dangers: Recent eDiscovery Developments and Trends, Littler Briefing

May 21, 2008

Digital Dangers: Recent Developments and Trends

Littler Briefing, Las Vegas, NV

May 14, 2008

Complying with Your eDiscovery Requests: Tips to Make Your Life Easier

14th Annual Employment Law Institute - Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Philadelphia, PA

April 18, 2008

Digital Discovery Dangers: The e-Trail from the Boardroom to the Courtroom

The 2008 Executive Employer® Conference, Phoenix, AZ

April 11, 2008

EEOC Class Actions - A Developing Trend

The 2008 Executive Employer® Conference, Phoenix, AZ

April 10, 2008

Current Trends in U.S. and European eDiscovery

2008 Privacy Summit - International Association of Privacy Professionals, Washington D.C.

March 28, 2008

The eDiscovery Battleground

Class Action Summit - Littler Mendelson, Laguna Beach, CA

March 6, 2008

Views From The Top - eDiscovery

CIO Forum Annual Conference - Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), Orlando, FL

February 26, 2008

Emerging Technology Trends - Advanced Analytics and Linguistic Technologies

LegalTech®, New York, NY

February 6, 2008

eDiscovery in Employment Litigation: Best Practices to Avoid Sanctions and Penalties

National Teleconference - Strafford Publications

January 31, 2008

Processing: Identifying Variables, Assessing Options

11th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference - West Legalworks, San Francisco, CA

December 13-14, 2007

Top Ten Steps To Enforcing A Restrictive Covenant

13th Annual Business Lawyers' Institute - Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Philadelphia, PA

October 18, 2007

Electronic Discovery Changes - Federal & State Practice for the Criminal & Civil Attorney

2007 Bucks County Bench Bar Conference, Baltimore, MD

October 5, 2007

Gunfight at the OK Corral - Dispute Resolution Clauses in Agreements: Drafting Tips and Practical Considerations

2007 Bench-Bar Conference - Philadelphia Bar Association, Atlantic City, NJ

September 28, 2007

The e-Trail from the Boardroom to the Courtroom: the New Electronic Discovery Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

12th Annual Business Lawyers’ Institute of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute

November 2, 2006

An Overview of the New Electronic Discovery Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Lecturer

The Philadelphia Federal Courts Committee, Philadelphia, PA

November 2006

Lessons Learned From an eDiscovery Sanction, With a Look Forward to the New Federal Rules of eDiscovery

12th Annual Business Lawyers' Institute - Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Philadelphia, PA

November 2006

Guarding the Crown Jewels: A Litigation Perspective

Information Security, Trade Secrets and Intellectual Property Symposium - Association of Corporate Counsel, DELVACCA Chapter, Conshohocken, PA

January 19, 2006

The Andersen Case, Lessons of the Fall

Civil Litigation Section Retreat - Pennsylvania Bar Association, Gettysburg, PA

April 2004

The New Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Annual Ethics Program - Association of Corporate Counsel, DELVACCA Chapter, Philadelphia, PA

May 2003

Ethics Potpourri

Pennsylvania Bar Institute - Philadelphia, PA

April 2003

The Andersen Case, Lessons of the Fall

8th Annual Business Lawyers' Institute - Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Philadelphia, PA

October 2002

The New Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Annual Ethics Program - Association of Corporate Counsel, DELVACCA Chapter, Conshohocken, PA

October 2002


  • J.D., Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law, 1994
  • B.A., Boston University, 1991

Bar Admission

New Jersey


  • U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit
  • U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
  • U.S. District Court, Middle District of Pennsylvania
  • U.S. District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania
  • U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey