Obama Administration to Advance Immigration Reform in Early 2010

  • 1 minute read

The New York Times reports that the Obama Administration will push to implement immigration reform measures in the first quarter of 2010. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano indicated in an address to the Center for American Progress that immigration reform will be put on the political agenda early in 2010. Napolitano sent a clear message to Congress that it should be ready for movement on immigration. Specifically, Napolitano referred to a "three-legged stool" approach that will incorporate tougher enforcement laws aimed at employers and illegal immigrants, a streamlined system for legal immigration, and a stringent process to allow illegal immigrants to become legal. It is anticipated that the Administration's focus on securing the border and targeting employers that hire undocumented workers will substantially increase while the foundation is laid to introduce an immigration reform initiative to Congress.

This entry was written by Ian R. Macdonald.


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