Your search returned 998 results.

January 18, 2006

Diversity, Affinity Groups and Religion: Balancing the Law with the Interests of Diverse Employee Groups

Most large and many medium- and smaller-sized employers have undertaken diversity-focused business initiatives

October 25, 2005

North Country: An All-Too Familiar Territory for America's Employers

An iron mine, the U.S. Treasury Department, an insurance company, a car manufacturer, a restaurant chain

September 21, 2005

I Don't Know Why They Picked Me: 10th Circuit Broadens Requirements For Waiving Age Discrimination Claims

*UPDATED July 19, 2006* Kruchowski v. Weyerhaeuser Co., 423 F.3d 1139 (10th Cir. 2005), withdrawn, and

September 13, 2005

Men's Temper Tantrums That Bother Women May Be Sex Discrimination

Screaming and yelling by men at work may now be sex-based discrimination if women at work find the behavior

September 7, 2005

Beware Misleading and Overbroad EEO-1 Filing Requirements

The ThreatWhen submitting EEO-1 forms to the EEOC, each filing company must indicate whether it is a

August 1, 2005

Employers Face Greater Risk from Workplace Romance: California Supreme Court Rules That Office Affairs May Give Rise to Sexual Favoritism

Employees in California may now sue their employers for sexual harassment if a sexual affair between

April 11, 2005

Supreme Court Expands Scope of Age Discrimination Law

On March 30, 2005, in a decision that will change the landscape of age discrimination litigation, the

January 19, 2005

Makeup Rule Upheld By Ninth Circuit

On December 28, 2004, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision affirmed the dismissal of
