The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has held that when a claim for workplace sexual harassment and workplace sexual assault “arises under the collective agreement,” a labour arbitrator has exclusive jurisdiction to resolve it under s.48(1) of the OLRA.
Employers in the Netherlands should take action if they find out that a (soon-to-be or) former employee is going to work for a competitor. If they do not do so or fail to do so on time, they risk being left empty-handed.
In a News Release dated March 17, 2021, Ontario announced it was removing regulatory restrictions to make it easier for organizations to conduct on-site COVID-19 testing in the workplace.
In Nahum v. Honeycomb Hospitality Inc., 2021 ONSC 1455, the Ontario Superior Court determined that an employee’s pregnancy should impact the calculation of her reasonable notice period for dismissal.
In the Netherlands, employers are generally prohibited from dismissing sick employees in the event of a reorganization, even if those employees are eligible for dismissal based on the reflection principle.
La Constancia de Inscripción de Empleador es el documento emitido por el Instituto Nacional de Migración que permite a toda empresa la realización de trámites relacionados con el personal extranjero que se encuentra en territorio nacional, tales como la
Ontario Premier Doug Ford was recently asked if the Government of Ontario would consider passing legislation that would allow employees to take three hours’ paid time off to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
The Ontario Court of Appeal’s recent decision reminds corporate directors that an employee may be able to make a claim against them in a wrongful dismissal action for unpaid wages under s. 131 of the Ontario Business Corporations Act.