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January 20, 2016

DOL Issues Guidance on Joint Employment under FLSA

The Department of Labor's Wage & Hour Division has issued an Administrator's Interpretation establishing new standards for determining joint employment under the FLSA and the MSPA.

January 20, 2016

Required 2016 Minimum Wage Poster for Federal Contractors Available

The U.S. Department of Labor has updated its 2016 minimum wage poster to reflect new requirements imposed by the February 12, 2014, Executive Order 13658, Establishing a Minimum Wage for Contractors.

January 19, 2016

The OFCCP's Pay Secrecy Final Rule for Federal Contractors and Subcontractors is Now Effective

On January 11, 2016, the final rule issued by the OFCCP amending regulations to implement President Obama's Executive Order 13665, the so-called "Pay Secrecy" or "Pay Transparency" order, took effect.

January 6, 2016

Mexico: Incremento al Salario Mínimo por el Año 2016

La Comisión Nacional de los Salarios Mínimos (CONASAMI) acordó otorgar un aumento general al salario mínimo para el 2016 de 4.20%.

January 6, 2016

Mexico Approves an Increase to the Daily Minimum Wage for 2016

The National Commission on Minimum Wages ("Comisión Nacional de los Salarios Mínimos" or CONASAMI ) recently approved a general minimum wage increase of 4.2%.

December 16, 2015

Oregon Supreme Court Case Reminds Businesses about the Complexity of Independent Contractor Classification

A recent decision by the Oregon Supreme Court demonstrates that classifying workers as either employees or independent contractors can be complicated and difficult.

December 11, 2015

Minimum Wages, Maximum Challenges in 2016 (2017, 2018 . . .)

This article will discuss minimum wage changes that will occur in 2016 and subsequent years.

December 8, 2015

Agencies Issue Final Rules Governing Contractor Minimum Wage, Whistleblower Protections

On December 4, 2015, three federal agencies published final rules implementing the Executive Order establishing a minimum wage for contractors, and finalizing a statutory pilot program to enhance whistleblower protections for contractor employees.

December 3, 2015

Ushering in a New Year of Labor and Employment Legislation

With the new year less than one month away, the compliance countdown for new laws has begun. Limited time remains in 2015 for employers to ensure policies and practices are developed or revised to meet 2016 obligations.

November 19, 2015

Home Care Industry Coalition Seeks Supreme Court Review of DOL's Home Care Rule

In the latest litigation chapter involving the U.S. Department of Labor’s rule extending minimum wage and overtime requirements to certain home care workers, a home care industry coalition has taken its challenge of the rule to the U.S. Supreme Court.
