Your search returned 808 results.

April 3, 2010

The Obama Board Takes Shape: Dramatic Changes May Be on the Horizon for Employers

President Barack Obama's designation of Wilma Liebman as Chairman of the National Labor Relations

March 15, 2010

Ohio Supreme Court’s Ruling on Penalties Ups the Ante for Contractors Subject to Ohio’s Prevailing Wage Law

The Ohio Supreme Court in Bergman v. Monarch Construction Co., No. 2010-Ohio 622 (Mar. 2, 2010) has held

December 21, 2009

A Railroad Union Representative Is Not Protected from Discipline When Offering a Bribe to an Arbitration Witness

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has held that there is no per se immunity from discipline

September 22, 2009

Minnesota Law Applies to Union-Negotiated Drug Testing Policies, Says Eighth Circuit

Negotiated Policies Not a Safe HarborMinnesota drug testing laws and other statutes apply to a drug testing

July 30, 2009

True North: Cross-Border Views on North American Workplace Laws

By now, most employers in the United States are familiar with the Employee Free Choice Act ("EFCA"),

July 29, 2009

Ohio Supreme Court Restricts the Application of Ohio's Prevailing Wage Law

Ohio's prevailing wage law requires contractors for public improvement projects to pay workers the

July 14, 2009

The Obama Board Takes Shape: Dramatic Changes May Be on the Horizon for Employers

President Barack Obama's designation of Wilma Liebman as Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board

May 3, 2009

Federal Appellate Court Holdings Strike Down (and Uphold) Decisions by the Two-Member NLRB

Since January 2008, the National Labor Relations Board (the "Board") has had only two (out of five) active

April 3, 2009

The Supreme Court Opens the Door to Mandatory Arbitration of Discrimination Claims for Union Members

Littler Shareholders Bruce Sarchet and Gavin Appleby discuss the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in 14
