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March 27, 2019

Kentucky Enacts New Arbitration Law

On March 25, 2019, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin signed into law a bill that reaffirms an employer’s right to use arbitration agreements.

March 26, 2019

DOL Issues Guidance on Complying with the H-1B LCA Posting Requirement Electronically

The DOL has issued a Field Assistance Bulletin providing guidance on acceptable ways to notify employees electronically of plans to hire foreign workers.

March 25, 2019

Legislative Update on Proposed Labor and Employment Bills Affecting Connecticut Employers

As we move deeper into the 2019 legislative season, the Connecticut General Assembly is considering several proposed bills in the state House and Senate that—if enacted—would affect employers in significant ways.

March 21, 2019

New Jersey Poised to Enact First Recreational Marijuana Law Protecting Workers from Adverse Employment Action

Draft legislation limits employer action on off-work marijuana use; penalizes employer consideration of arrests or convictions for marijuana offenses in any jurisdiction.

March 21, 2019

DOL to Publish “White Collar” Exemption Proposed Rule, Triggering 60-Day Comment Period

On March 22, 2019, the DOL’s Wage and Hour Division will publish in the Federal Register its proposed rule to revise the overtime exemption regulations for executive, administrative, professional, outside sales and computer employees.

March 20, 2019

New Jersey Enacts Bill Banning NDAs for Discrimination, Retaliation, and Harassment Claims . . . and Fundamentally Attacking Arbitration Agreements

As expected, on March 18, 2019, Governor Murphy added New Jersey to the growing list of states that have chosen to legislate significant contractual limitations upon an employer’s right to enter into certain nondisclosure agreements (NDAs).

March 19, 2019

EEOC Portal Opens for EEO-1 Filings With No Word on Employee Compensation

On March 18, 2019, the EEO-1 filing portal opened, allowing employers with 100 or more employees and covered federal contractors with 50 or more employees to begin filing EEO-1 reports.

March 13, 2019

#MeToo Training 2.0: California Promotes Bystander Intervention Training

This podcast covers optional training that teaches employees how to evaluate and respond to problematic workplace situations.

March 11, 2019

Up in Smoke? New Wisconsin Governor Proposes Marijuana Legalization and Host of New Employment Laws

Wisconsin employers reviewing Governor Tony Evers’ very first budget proposal may be surprised by the number of the employment-related items.

March 8, 2019

DOL Proposes to Increase the Minimum Salary for the “White Collar” Overtime Exemptions to $35,308

On March 7, 2019, the DOL's Wage and Hour Division published the long-awaited Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to revise the “white collar” overtime exemption regulations.
