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March 1, 2024

Rules for UK Visit Visas and Permitted Paid Activities Have Changed – Here's How

Certain changes to the UK’s business Visitor rules took effect on January 31, 2024.

March 1, 2024

UK: Changes to Paternity Leave from March 2024

The UK Government has laid draft sets of Regulations before Parliament which are due to come into force on March 8, 2024, and will make changes to the current statutory paternity leave scheme.

February 29, 2024

Developing a Global Data Protection Framework for Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

As employment-related artificial intelligence (“AI”) tools proliferate, multinational employers feel increasing pressure to deploy AI across their global offices.

February 29, 2024

UK Right to Work Changes Employers Should Be Aware of

The Home Office has updated its guide on right to work (work authorization) checks for employers in the UK.

February 29, 2024

UK Race Equality Week 2024: Labour's Proposed Shake-up of Discrimination Laws

Earlier this month, in the midst of Race Equality Week in the UK, the Labour party announced that they propose to make significant changes to discrimination laws if they win the next general election.

February 29, 2024

Poland and Other Central-Eastern European Countries Focus on Their Global Mobility & Immigration Policies

In February 2024, Poland’s government revealed that it is working on a comprehensive migration strategy for the years 2025-2030, advertised as a “responsible and safe” approach.

February 20, 2024

Germany: Does the Works Council Have a Say When Employees Use ChatGPT? No, According to the Labor Court Hamburg

Artificial intelligence (AI) can make work life easier. It is therefore not surprising that companies are keen to utilize the technical possibilities of AI, particularly by means of ChatGPT.

2 the Point Video
February 15, 2024

We are considering layoffs in the UK. How should we plan our approach to these dismissals?

UK dismissal law is different from the U.S., and different from other European countries. The business reasons for the reduction in force, or RIF, might be the same across borders, but your process has to flex to local requirements.

February 6, 2024

Belgium: Proposed Legal Framework Would Require Employers to Justify Dismissal of Contract Workers in the Public Sector

On January 18, 2024, the Belgium government submitted a draft law that would require employers to justify their decisions to dismiss contractual employees in the public sector.

February 2, 2024

Data Privacy and AI: What Should UK and EU Employers Look out for in 2024?

As we look ahead to 2024, it is clear that both data protection and AI will continue to take center stage in the UK, as it will in many other countries.
