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November 9, 2020

New State Employment Laws Set to Take Effect on January 1, 2021

As employers continue to grapple with the ever-changing legal landscape of COVID-era regulations, 2021 will bring changes to the traditional realm of employment law in dozens of jurisdictions.

November 9, 2020

UK: Updated FAQs, as Furlough Scheme Is Extended into 2021

On 5 November 2020, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a further extension to the UK furlough scheme until March 2021. This post includes our updated FAQs summarising the furlough scheme as it stands.

November 6, 2020

Ontario, Canada: Court Reminds Employers Termination Provisions that Could Possibly Violate ESA in the Future Are Unenforceable

Ontario’s Superior Court recently held that a termination provision in an employment contract that has even a remote possibility of violating the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) in the future is unenforceable.

November 5, 2020

Substantial New Privacy Obligations for California Employers: The California Privacy Rights and Enforcement Act of 2020 Passes at the Polls

Less than a year after the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect, California’s electorate approved a ballot measure that will substantially expand the privacy obligations the CCPA imposes on employers.

November 5, 2020

What We Know About Connecticut’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (and What We’re Still Learning)

While payment of benefits under Connecticut Paid Family and Medical Leave Act will not start before January 2022, important employer obligations take effect in less than two months.

November 4, 2020

California’s Proposition 22: Impacts in the Golden State and Beyond

Of the over 100 different ballot initiatives under consideration across the United States in the recent election, California’s Proposition 22 stands alone.

October 30, 2020

UK: 12 Ways to Cut HR Costs Without Redundancies

UK employers consulted with staff on nearly half a million redundancies during the pandemic - roughly 1.5% of the working population.

October 27, 2020

Workplace Violence Prevention Strategies in a Time of Political and Social Unrest

Tensions appear to be running hot across the nation during this polarized election season and time of political and social unrest.

October 26, 2020

Ontario, Canada: Human Rights Tribunal Awards Significant Damages to Employee Who Acquiesced to Sexual Relationship with Supervisor

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario made a $170,000 damage award to a vulnerable employee who, after being sexually harassed by her direct supervisor, engaged in unwelcome sexual activity, fearing that if she refused she would lose her job.

October 23, 2020

Ontario, Canada Court Holds Employee’s Title Alone Insufficient to Characterize Job Position in Assessment of Reasonable Notice

In a recent decision, the Ontario Superior Court focused on an employee’s responsibilities rather than his title alone in characterizing his position for purposes of assessing the common law reasonable notice to which he was entitled.
