Your search returned 795 results.

December 10, 2018

Germany Announces €3 Billion "Artificial Intelligence (AI) Made in Germany" Initiative

The German federal government has announced a sweeping new initiative with the stated goal of making “Germany and Europe the worldwide leader in the field of artificial intelligence.”

November 28, 2018

Embrace or Rage Against the Machine? The HR Costs and Benefits of Automation

In this podcast, Littler attorneys discuss how automation is creating opportunities and posing challenges in the world of HR and employment law.

November 26, 2018

Germany May Ease Labor Regulations on Termination of Top Managers to Lure British Banks

A draft German bill aims to loosen the protection against dismissal for certain highly paid managers in the financial sector.

November 15, 2018

Dutch Labour Party Proposes Law Guaranteeing Employees a Right to Disconnect

The Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) announced that it would like to introduce legislation guaranteeing employees a right to completely disconnect, outside working hours.

November 14, 2018

UK Supreme Court Rules on "Gay Cake" Case

Cakes have become an unlikely battleground for gay rights over the past few years. The UK Supreme Court recently held that a bakery that refused to supply a pro-same-sex marriage cake did not discriminate against the man ordering it.

November 13, 2018

UK Parental Bereavement Leave – New Rights to Leave and Pay

Under the new Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Act 2018, starting in 2020, parents who experience the unfortunate loss of a child under the age of 18 or a stillbirth after 24 weeks of pregnancy will be entitled to two weeks’ leave.

Littler Report
November 12, 2018

Littler's Executive Employer Survey – Europe 2018

This report summarises the results of Littler’s first annual European survey on which legal…

November 7, 2018

United Nations Further Deliberates a Treaty Seeking to Impose Corporate Liability for Human Rights Violations

A United Nations working group recently debated a first draft of a multilateral treaty addressing human rights violations committed by businesses.

October 15, 2018

Ireland Set to Embrace Shared Parental Leave After False Start in the UK

A bill is making its way through the Oireachtas (the Irish parliament) that would bring shared parental leave to the Republic of Ireland.

Global Guide Quarterly
October 11, 2018

Littler Global Guide - Belgium - Q3 2018

Quarterly employment law updates from Belgium
