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WPI Report
December 1, 2017

WPI State of the States: Lawmakers Trade Jostling Bills for Jingle Bells

With the holidays in full swing, state legislators across the country are enjoying a bit of a lull. December traditionally marks the calm before the storm, as most legislatures are out of session and will reconvene in January.

Dear Littler
November 30, 2017

Dear Littler: 'Tis the Season…for Employer Holiday Gift-Giving Reminders

I’m in charge of our company’s party-planning committee. Is there anything we need to keep in mind for the annual holiday raffle and gift exchange?

November 29, 2017

Revisiting Your Sexual Harassment Policy During the #MeToo Uprising

Unlawful sexual harassment, long a problem in the workplace, has become the most visible employment issue in corporate America. What should concerned businesses be doing?

November 16, 2017

Agency Heads Discuss Changes in Regulatory Direction During Federalist Society Panel

The current leaders of the Department of Labor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and National Labor Relations Board addressed transitions and regulatory plans at their respective agencies at a November 16 forum.

November 13, 2017

Ready or Not, Here It Comes! 2018 Brings New Labor & Employment Laws, Primarily at the State Level

On January 1, 2018, and throughout the coming year, employers across the nation will confront a host of new or amended federal, state, and/or local laws.

Dear Littler
November 6, 2017

Dear Littler: Is an Employee's #MeToo Social Media Post a Harassment Complaint?

I work in HR and have a very modern-day dilemma. Does an employee's social media #MeToo post referencing her boss constitute a sexual harassment complaint?

November 6, 2017

Upsurge in Sexual Harassment Claims: What Employers Need to Know

What employers need to know about creating a harassment-free workplace and what to do when sexual harassment claims are made.

WPI Report
November 1, 2017

WPI State of the States: Lawmakers Keep Their Focus on Equal Pay Measures

Legislative activity at the state level is starting to slow down, although proposals concerning equal pay and protected time off remain popular. This month’s State of the States reviews these bills and other noteworthy developments.

October 30, 2017

Will Illinois Ban Salary History Inquiries? Hang on for a Bumpy Override!

As the 2017 legislative session closed in Illinois, Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed several measures relating to labor and employment issues.

October 26, 2017

Missouri Appellate Court’s Holding That Sex Discrimination May Be Based on Sex Stereotyping Offers Some Protections for LGBT Employees

The Missouri Court of Appeals has held that sex stereotyping can form the basis of a sex discrimination claim when the complaining party is gay, but should not be construed as a claim for sexual orientation discrimination.
