On July 26, 2022, the Governing Board of Mexico’s Federal Center for Conciliation and Labor Registration unanimously approved the General Guidelines for Union Democracy Procedures.
El pasado 26 de julio, La Junta de Gobierno del Centro Federal de Conciliación y Registro Laboral (CFCRL) aprobó por unanimidad los Lineamientos Generales para los Procedimientos de Democracia Sindical.
The countdown for new legislation in Ireland requiring large companies to report on differences in pay between men and women has begun, with many Irish employers required to prepare and submit gender pay gap reports in December.
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom has published its long-anticipated decision in Harpur Trust v Brazel confirming that paid holiday for part-year employees/workers on permanent contracts must not be pro-rated.
The Irish Court of Appeal has handed down a decision (DPC v Doolin) relating to the alleged misuse of CCTV by an employer in disciplinary proceedings relating to an employee taking unauthorised breaks.
Littler Europe has compiled a comparative guide on the main changes the EU Working Conditions Directive will make in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Spain.
The Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta recently dismissed an employee’s claim that he had been constructively dismissed when his employer did not accommodate him with a mask exemption and put him on indefinite unpaid leave.
We have created a high-level guide that gives an “at a glance” snapshot of the severity of lockdown restrictions in 15 countries across Asia Pacific (APAC).
On July 21, 2022, Ontario amended a regulation to extend the availability of Paid Infectious Disease Leave (Paid IDEL) until March 31, 2023. Prior to this extension, Paid IDEL was scheduled to expire on July 30, 2022.