The Trump administration's Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions ("regulatory agenda"), released on December 14, 2017, indicates agencies are taking a hard look at existing rules, and treading lightly with new ones.
As the Thanksgiving holiday approached, Republican lawmakers in both chambers of Congress made progress toward their singular legislative priority to enact comprehensive tax reform.
Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta fielded a range of questions on the DOL's priorities during a November 15 hearing before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.
September 15 was the last day in 2017 for bills to pass both houses of the California Legislature and be forwarded to the governor. Governor Jerry Brown (D) has until October 15, 2017 to sign, veto, or otherwise not act upon these bills.
El pasado 18 de septiembre de 2017, se publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación, el acuerdo por el que se modifica la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM- 006-STP-2014
La STPS anunció la creación de un sistema en línea para medir y monitorear el cumplimiento de los patrones de las normas que regulan las condiciones generales de trabajo, capacitación y adiestramiento, y seguridad e higiene en el centro de trabajo.
Mexico’s Labor Department has created an online system to measure and monitor employers’ compliance with the laws regulating the working conditions, training, safety and health in the workplace.
If your workplace drug and alcohol-testing policies take a zero tolerance approach to medical marijuana because the use, distribution, or possession of marijuana is unlawful under federal law, a recent decision could be a game-changer.