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March 28, 2024

March 2024 UK Immigration Statement of Changes: What Employers Need to Know

Introducing the latest UK Immigration Rules Statement of Changes, Legal Immigration Minister Tom Pursglove announced that they will “deliver the biggest ever cut to migration over the course of this year.”

2 the Point Video
March 26, 2024

Are employers required to conduct human rights due diligence in their global operations?

An increasing number of jurisdictions are passing laws that place obligations on employers that sit at the top of global supply chains to address these human rights abuses.

March 26, 2024

The E.U. Advances a Watered-Down but Nonetheless Landmark Human Rights Draft Law – What This Means for Global Employers

This summer, the European Union is expected to finalize and pass a law – albeit in a materially different form from previous versions – that will place substantial human rights obligations on global employers.

March 22, 2024

Germany: Update on the European Supply Chain Directive

On March 15, 2024, the EU member states voted in favor of the European Supply Chain Directive (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive – CSDDD) in the EU Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) after a long back-and-forth.

March 21, 2024

Who Enjoys Special Protections Against Dismissal in Germany?

German labor law is known beyond its borders for its far-reaching protection against dismissals.

March 18, 2024

European Parliament Adopts the World’s First Comprehensive AI Law

On March 13, 2024, the European Parliament approved the EU Artificial Intelligence Act (the “AI Act”) by a sweeping majority. The AI Act will be the world’s first comprehensive set of rules for artificial intelligence.

March 6, 2024

Overview of the New Proposed Rules on Non-Compete Clauses in the Netherlands

For years there has been much discussion in the Netherlands about the non-compete clause, which also includes the non-solicitation clause. After a similar proposal was shelved a few years ago, a new proposal is now open for online consultation.

Littler Report
March 5, 2024

Global Non-Compete Reform – At a Glance Tracker (Updated March 2024)

The United States is not the only country currently debating a reform to the law on non-competes.

March 4, 2024

Immigration Challenges for Employers in the UK

Few people acknowledge the implications of the UK Government’s measures to reduce legal migration to the UK on employers.

March 4, 2024

Back to the Future? UK Government Consults on the Potential Reintroduction of Tribunal Fees

At the end of January 2024, the UK Government set out a surprise proposal to introduce a £55 fee for individuals to bring proceedings in the Employment Tribunals (ET) and Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT).
