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August 14, 2023

California Appellate Court Decision Limits Power of Arbitrators to Cure Late Arbitration Payments

In Cvejic v. Skyview Capital, the California Second District Court of held that an arbitrator cannot cure a missed or late arbitration fee payment.

August 14, 2023

Puerto Rico Governor Amends Workers’ Compensation Act to Provide Reduction of Employee Premiums for Safe Workplaces

On August 8, 2023, the Governor of Puerto Rico signed into law Act No. 85-2023, effective immediately. The statute amends Puerto Rico’s Workers’ Compensation Act by further incentivizing safe workplaces.

August 14, 2023

Eleventh Circuit Holds Adverse Employment Action Is Required in ADA Failure-to-Accommodate Claims

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, in Beasley v. O’Reilly Auto Parts, recently held that a claim for failure-to-accommodate under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) must include an adverse employment action.

August 14, 2023

Your Recordkeeping Data Is About to Steal the Spotlight–How to Prepare for OSHA’s Expanded E-Recordkeeping Rule

On July 21, 2023, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a final rule in the Federal Register amending its regulation on Improved Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses.

August 11, 2023

Texas Governor Signs Preemption Bill, CROWN Act, and Other Legislation into Law

The Texas legislature meets only for approximately six months every other year. This session, many bills signed into law impact employers.

August 10, 2023

USDOL Finalizes Rule Making Big Changes to Davis-Bacon Enforcement

On August 8, 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor published its final rule, calling for the most sweeping revisions to the rules governing Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) enforcement since the Reagan administration’s 1982 reforms.

August 9, 2023

EEOC Releases Expansive Proposed Regulations to Implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has released proposed regulations under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) that include an expansive reading of the requirements imposed by the law.

August 9, 2023

Littler Lightbulb – July Employment Appellate Roundup

This Littler Lightbulb highlights some of the more significant employment law developments at the U.S. Supreme Court and federal courts of appeal in the last month.

August 9, 2023

Illinois Extends Bereavement Leave Rights for Illinois Employees

Illinois recently expanded bereavement leave rights for two groups of Illinois employees: (1) parents who lose a child to suicide or homicide, and (2) family members of those killed in a crime of violence.

August 8, 2023

Illinois Becomes the First State to Enact Protections for Freelance Workers

On August 4, 2023, Governor JB Pritzker signed the Freelance Worker Protection Act (FWPA) (HB1122) into law, establishing strict protections for freelance workers.
