Our boss is really pushing for us to increase our number of diverse employees. My managers had a meeting to set some hiring targets and now we are evaluating some recruiting ideas.
We are going to replace the punch-card timeclocks in our U.S. facilities with timeclocks that allow employees to “clock in” each day using their fingerprint. What do we need to keep in mind?
I work in HR and have a very modern-day dilemma. Does an employee's social media #MeToo post referencing her boss constitute a sexual harassment complaint?
Employers hounded with questions about service animals should “sit” and “stay” as Peter Petesch (with a cameo appearance from service animal Mork) talks about accommodations under the ADA.
Last night one of our team members “took a knee” during the national anthem before a company-sponsored game. His supervisor wants him disciplined for this conduct or at least transferred out of his department. Can we do that?