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September 12, 2023

NLRB Limits Employers’ Right to Make Unilateral Changes Based on Past Practice

In two recent decisions the NLRB overruled precedent that had allowed unionized employers to lawfully change terms and condition of employment if the changes were consistent with past practice or an expired management rights clause.

September 8, 2023

NLRB Expands Section 7 Protections to Include Advocacy for Non-Employees and Beyond

The NLRB recently expanded the definition of what constitutes “protected concerted activity” under the NLRA to include employee advocacy on behalf of those who do not meet the Act’s specific definition of “employee.”

Dear Littler
September 7, 2023

Dear Littler: What Do We Need to Know about School-Activity Leave Laws?

Our company is expanding and we are concerned about compliance with all of the various state leave laws. We understand that some states have laws requiring leave for school activities. What do we need to do to comply?

September 7, 2023

Amendments to Puerto Rico’s Act 54 on Domestic Violence Will Impact Employer Policies

New amendments to Puerto Rico’s Act No. 54 of August 15, 1989, “Act for the Prevention and Intervention with Domestic Violence,” include “economic violence” as a form of domestic violence.

September 7, 2023

OFCCP Preparing to Scrutinize Federal Contractors’ Use of AI Hiring Tools and Other Technology-based Selection Procedures

The OFCCP has revised the “Itemized Listing” that it uses to collect information from federal contractors that are selected for supply or service audits to include a request for information on contractors’ use of AI hiring tools.

September 6, 2023

Navigating the H-1B Visa Process: Common Pitfalls and Considerations

This podcast episode is dedicated to unraveling the complexities of filing an H-1B petition and remaining compliant following an approval.

September 6, 2023

California Reaches Across State Lines to Invalidate Employee Non-Compete Agreements

A new state law (SB 699) extends the reach of California’s restriction on non-competes to contracts signed out of state.

September 6, 2023

New Federal Lawsuit Against DHS Alleges APA Violations, Erroneous H-1B Visa Denials

A recent lawsuit against DHS alleges that the agency violated the Administrative Procedure Act by exceeding its authority and determining that a group of visa applicants were “inadmissible” without reviewing a full record of evidence.

2 the Point Video
September 6, 2023

How do I identify the state employment laws that apply to our remote workers?

State employment laws may, or may not, have cross-border application. It depends on the specific facts involved.

WPI Report
September 5, 2023

WPI Labor Day Report 2023

WPI’s Labor Day Report examines the state of the workforce, federal agency activity, state and local trends, and what’s in store for employers in the months ahead.
