Your search returned 573 results.

July 31, 2009

Meeting the Compliance Challenges of a Reinvigorated HIPAA and the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2009

                         On July 23, 2009, Littler Mendelson hosted a webinar,

July 29, 2009

DOT Regulation on Observed Return-to-Work and Follow-Up Drug Testing Goes into Effect August 31, 2009

After a lengthy public comment period and legal challenges, a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)

July 17, 2009

Criminalization of Online Harassment May Help Employers in "Cyberbattles" with Disgruntled Employees

Texas recently enacted a law, effective September 1, 2009, that criminalizes online harassment. Texas

July 16, 2009

The D.C. Circuit Leaves Undisturbed the Ability of Employers to Ban Union Communications Using Corporate E-Mail

Many had anticipated a dramatic rejection of Register-Guard, the National Labor Relations Board's landmark

July 14, 2009

Verdict Against Houston's Restaurant Demonstrates Risks of Accessing Employee's Restricted Social Networking Sites

Ranting on the Internet about one’s employer has become commonplace. When these rants appear on publicly

July 7, 2009

Employer's Electronic Communications Policy Did Not Allow Company to Review Employee's E-mail Exchange with Her Attorney

Update August 2009: The New Jersey Supreme Court has granted review to the case discussed below. Littler

July 7, 2009

Minnesota Appellate Court Rules that Temporary Posting of Medical Information on MySpace.Com Supports a Privacy Breach Claim Even if Seen by Only a Few

Even a brief posting of private information on an Internet site amounts to “publicity per se” sufficient

June 30, 2009

New Jersey Appeals Court Broadly Construes Employee's "Right To Privacy" Using Company Computers

UPDATE: The New Jersey Supreme Court has agreed to review this decision. We will continue to monitor

June 16, 2009

New Data Security Breach Laws in Alaska and South Carolina Take Effect July 1, 2009

On Wednesday, July 1, 2009, the recently enacted Alaska and South Carolina notice of security breach

June 15, 2009

New Nevada Law Mandates Encryption of Sensitive HR Data

Nevada has joined Massachusetts as the only two states currently mandating encryption of sensitive human
