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May 22, 2020

OSHA Issues Updated COVID-19 Interim Enforcement Response Plan

OSHA has issued an Updated Interim Enforcement Response Plan for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), providing new guidance on how to investigate COVID-19-related hazards as the transmission of COVID-19 slows and workplaces continue to reopen.

May 21, 2020

A Return to Work Roadmap for New York Employers

After weeks or months of remote work or closed operations, businesses are understandably eager to resume normal operations and bring employees back to the workplace.

May 20, 2020

OSHA Issues Revised Guidance for Recording COVID-19 Cases

On Tuesday, May 19, 2020, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued new enforcement guidance regarding an employer’s obligation to record cases of COVID-19 on the OSHA injury and illness logs.

May 20, 2020

White House Urges Federal Regulators to Support Economic Recovery in Light of COVID-19

A new executive order directs federal agencies to focus their efforts on regulatory barriers to economic recovery.

May 20, 2020

COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Docks in Long Beach, California

On May 19, 2020, Long Beach, California enacted a law requiring supplemental paid sick leave for COVID-19 purposes.

May 20, 2020

Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Application Provides Long-Awaited Clarity

On May 15, 2020, the Small Business Administration (SBA), in consultation with the Department of the Treasury, released the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Application accompanied by detailed instructions.

May 20, 2020

Stay on Top of “Stay At Home” – A List of Statewide Orders

This post identifies the jurisdictions where “stay at home” types of orders remain in effect.

May 19, 2020

Massachusetts Releases Four-Phase Reopening Plan

On May 18, 2020, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and the Massachusetts Reopening Advisory Board released the Reopening Massachusetts Report, which provides details regarding the state’s four-phase return-to-work plan.

May 19, 2020

Michigan Sets Forth Additional Requirements for Businesses that Reopen as the State Restarts Select Operations in Northern Michigan

On May 19, 2020, Michigan Governor Whitmer issued two Executive Orders. The first Executive Order establishes requirements for previously idled businesses as they reopen in the state.

May 19, 2020

Maryland Initiates its Reopening Plan While Washington, D.C. Extends its Stay-at-Home Order and Implements Face Covering Requirement

As the world slowly returns to some semblance of normalcy, the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia recently announced varying plans as to when they will reopen and what reopening will look like.
