Your search returned 2172 results.

March 4, 2015

House and Senate Consider Resolution Disapproving of NLRB Election Rule

The same day the Senate advanced a joint resolution (S.J. Res. 8) seeking to block implementation of

March 3, 2015

Same-Sex Married Couples Now Have Equal Rights to FMLA Leave Regardless of Their Residence

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a Final Rule revising the regulatory definition of "spouse"

March 3, 2015

Lawmakers Introduce Legislation Providing Clarity on Employee Wellness Programs

As promised during a Senate hearing conducted earlier this year, members of the House and Senate have

February 26, 2015

Joint Subcommittee Hearing Examines Impact of Contractor "Blacklisting" Executive Order

A new Executive Order (EO) that imposes new and onerous obligations and risks on federal contractors

February 23, 2015

White House and DOL Begin Revised Fiduciary Rule Marketing Campaign

On Monday, the White House and the Department of Labor publicized efforts to target conflicts of interest

February 13, 2015

NLRB's General Counsel Issues More Complaints Against Franchisor as Joint Employer

Less than two months after the National Labor Relations Board's Office of the General Counsel filed

February 13, 2015

Federal Paid Sick Leave Bill Reintroduced

As expected, lawmakers in both chambers reintroduced the Healthy Families Act (H.R. 932, S. 497), a bill

February 11, 2015

Senate Hearing Focused on NLRB Expedited Election Rule

The National Labor Relations Board's new "quickie" election rule—set to take effect on April 14,

February 5, 2015

Senate Hearing Focuses on Definition of Joint Employment

The implications of an expanded definition of "joint employer" under the National Labor Relations Act

February 4, 2015

New Efforts to Defeat the NLRB's Expedited Election Rule Expected

As the April 14, 2015 effective date for the National Labor Relations Board's so-called "quickie
