The Irish government has recently announced plans to give employees the right to statutory sick pay (SSP) for the first time. Up to this point, employers have had full discretion to decide whether or not to provide sick pay.
At long last, the European Commission, on June 4, 2021, adopted new Standard Contractual Clauses (“new SCCs”) to permit lawful transfers of personal data from the European Union (EU) to third countries such as the United States.
In the Netherlands, employers are liable for harm suffered by employees during their work. This can include psychological damage due to sexual harassment.
The Sub-District Court in Maastricht upheld the summary dismissal of an employee who travelled to an orange zone destination despite his employer’s COVID-19-related travel restrictions.
With over half the adult population having now received their first vaccine, many employers will be wondering how they can use the vaccine rollout to get employees back into workplaces.