Your search returned 795 results.

June 9, 2021

The European Union’s New Standardized Data Transfer Agreement: Implications for Multinational Employers

At long last, the European Commission, on June 4, 2021, adopted new Standard Contractual Clauses (“new SCCs”) to permit lawful transfers of personal data from the European Union (EU) to third countries such as the United States.

May 6, 2021

Dutch employers: take action against sexual harassment!

In the Netherlands, employers are liable for harm suffered by employees during their work. This can include psychological damage due to sexual harassment.

April 30, 2021

EU Expected to Approve UK’s Data Privacy Regime

Following Brexit, the European Commission is working on an adequacy decision concerning the UK, which will be announced before the end of June 2021.

April 26, 2021

The Netherlands: Orange zone travel? Red card!

The Sub-District Court in Maastricht upheld the summary dismissal of an employee who travelled to an orange zone destination despite his employer’s COVID-19-related travel restrictions.

April 13, 2021

The Netherlands: Is your fixed-term contract sufficiently clear?

In the Netherlands, the end of a fixed-term employment contract is usually linked to a calendar date.

April 1, 2021

UK: Mandatory vaccines for the workplace – worth a shot?

With over half the adult population having now received their first vaccine, many employers will be wondering how they can use the vaccine rollout to get employees back into workplaces.

March 31, 2021

High Court of England & Wales Considers Territorial Scope of GDPR for the First Time

In the first case of its kind, the High Court of England & Wales has considered the limits on the extraterritorial reach of the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

March 31, 2021

Republic of Labour Law - Irish HR Updates in March

This week in the Republic of Labour Law, we discuss an upcoming change to Parent’s Leave.

March 26, 2021

The Netherlands: A competing former employee? Take action!

Employers in the Netherlands should take action if they find out that a (soon-to-be or) former employee is going to work for a competitor. If they do not do so or fail to do so on time, they risk being left empty-handed.

March 24, 2021

The Netherlands: When does the prohibition against termination during sickness apply?

In the Netherlands, employers are generally prohibited from dismissing sick employees in the event of a reorganization, even if those employees are eligible for dismissal based on the reflection principle.
