On January 17, 2024, Governor Pedro R. Pierluisi signed into law House Bill 1745, the "Act to Facilitate the Implementation of Remote Work in Private Enterprise and to Encourage the Establishment of Air Bases in Puerto Rico.”
On January 16, 2024, Governor Hochul announced her Executive Budget Proposal for the 2025 fiscal year, which includes language that would provide significant relief to employers currently faced with an onslaught of “frequency of pay” litigation.
In honor of USERRA’s 30-year milestone, we offer this top-ten list of the reasons employers should pay more attention to USERRA and its expansive protections for service members and veterans.
Last week someone anonymously emailed HR complaining about one of our sales executives. Who do I talk to about the allegations since they are anonymous? Do we have to investigate this complaint?
On January 11, 2024, Maine Governor Janet Mills declared a state of civil emergency for coastal counties in Maine impacted by flooding caused by a storm earlier in the week.
Because wildfire smoke contains a mixture of harmful chemicals and particles, Washington has implemented new wildfire smoke rules, which become effective on January 15, 2024.
Littler’s Inclusion, Equity and Diversity C-Suite Survey Report gathers insights from more than 320 executives on their organizations’ IE&D commitments and the steps being taken to advance these goals.