All New York State employers must post a notice of rights in accordance with a recent amendment to the state’s election leave law on or before June 15, 2019.
This Insight is the second in a series that provides a chapter-by-chapter analysis of the most important topics addressed in the Guidelines on the Interpretation of Puerto Rico’s Employment Legislation.
On June 10, 2019, the United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled that state wage and hour laws do not apply to certain drilling rig employees working off the California coast.
A recent labour arbitration case in Nova Scotia considered whether an employee who masturbated while watching pornography in a workplace bathroom stall had a sex addiction, and whether sex addiction is a disability that employers must accommodate.
The Puerto Rico Supreme Court recently issued a judgment in José Méndez et al v. Carso Construction, validating an arbitration clause that covers a claim under the Puerto Rico Unjust Dismissal statute.
Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak has announced his intent to sign Senate Bill No. 312, which will require, for the first time, that Nevada private-sector employers provide employees with up to 40 hours of paid leave per benefit year.
A discussion about fostering diversity and inclusion in the greater context of helping workforces and societies as a whole better withstand technological changes, disruption, and uncertainty.
German and other European employers must ensure that employees who are traveling to another European Economic Area (EEA) state or Switzerland for business-related reasons carry a social security certificate called an A1 certificate.
On June 5, 2019, the Washington Department of Labor & Industries issued proposed amendments to Washington State’s white-collar overtime exemption regulations.
El 4 de junio de 2019, la Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS) publicó un Decreto en el Diario Oficial de la Federación mediante el cual se adicionan diversas disposiciones de la Ley del Seguro Social