The legislative bill on the temporary extension of the use of temporary corona passes (in Dutch: wetsvoorstel Tijdelijke wet verbreding inzet coronatoegangsbewijzen) was submitted to the Lower House of Parliament the evening of November 23.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has hailed the new fast-track visa for scale-ups as an important development to make it “quicker and easier for fast-growing businesses to bring in highly skilled individuals.”
It is becoming increasingly common for employees in the Netherlands to record the smartphone conversations they have with their employers in order to collect evidence, exert some pressure, or for use in court proceedings, including for dismissal.
A Dutch court dismissed an employer’s petition to dissolve an employment contract because the employee reported he was sick, as contract dissolution during illness is prohibited, even though the report was made after the employer first moved for dismissal
Littler’s fourth annual European Employer Survey provides insight into European employers’ plans for reopening worksites and offering new work models, as well as other pressing workforce issues.
In September 2021, the Dutch Senate ratified the “Act to ensure a more balanced ratio between men and women on the management and supervisory boards of large public limited and private limited companies,” known as the Diversity Quota and Targets Act.
There are several considerations Dutch employers need to keep in mind if they want to scan the QR code on their employees' CoronaCheck app. This discussion is now in full swing and CEOs of a number of multinationals have joined the fray.
This year has seen a number of international and regional legislative efforts imposing human rights due diligence and transparency obligations on multinational employers.