La noche del 20 de septiembre, en sesión plenaria, la cámara alta del Congreso mexicano ratificó el Convenio 98 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, el cual trata sobre el derecho de sindicación y de negociación colectiva.
On September 20, 2018, the High Chamber of the Mexican Congress approved a bill to ratify the International Labour Organization’s Convention 98 on the right to organize and to bargain collectively.
The PR Treasury has extended the period allowing Puerto Rico residents impacted by Hurricane Maria to make distributions from qualified retirement plans and IRAs at a preferential tax rate.
Mexico’s Second Chamber of the Supreme Court recently decided that to calculate the weekly overtime pay, minutes worked exceeding the regular work day must be counted cumulatively for the entire workweek and paid in full hour units.
La Corte recientemente decidió que para calcular el pago de tiempo extraordinario semanal, los minutos laborados excedentes a la duración de la jornada laboral, deben ser acumulables a la semana y pagados por unidad de hora completa.
On July 30, 2018, the governor of Puerto Rico signed Executive Order No. 2018-033, increasing the minimum wage for construction workers and requiring the use of project labor agreements in government-funded construction projects.