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Dear Littler
December 9, 2019

Dear Littler: Can We Still Maintain Hairstyle and Personal Grooming Policies?

Our handbook restricts employees on the sales floor from wearing facial piercings, visible tattoos, long beards and dreadlocks. We’ve heard that new laws prohibit “hairstyle discrimination” and restrict dress codes. Can we still maintain our look?

December 4, 2019

ONTARIO, CANADA: Not Discrimination to Provide Part-time Benefits to Employee Permanently Accommodated with Part-time Work Due to a Disability

The Ontario Divisional court recently held that an employer is not discriminating against an accommodated employee who can only work part-time because of a disability when it fails to provide the employee the benefits that a full-time employee receives.

November 22, 2019

Illinois Legislature Amends Marijuana Law, Bringing Clarity, Relief to Employers with Workplace Drug-Testing Programs

The Illinois legislature has passed amendments to the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act that may ease employer concerns about maintaining and enforcing drug-free workplace programs prohibiting marijuana use.

November 18, 2019

Ontario, Canada: Without-Cause Termination Provision Upheld

A Canadian employee's attempt to invalidate an employment contract failed, even though one provision in the contract, the just-cause termination provision, was invalid.

November 15, 2019

Ontario, Canada: Human Rights Tribunal Awards $120,000 Award for Discrimination in Hiring Process

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario recently rendered its decision on remedy in a case in which it found the employer’s practice of requiring job applications to be permanently eligible to work in Canada as discriminatory.

November 13, 2019

Is Foresight 2020? Employers Confront New Laws Taking Effect in the New Year

As the year draws to a close, employers are assessing the next wave of labor and employment laws and regulations they will face in 2020 and beyond.

November 12, 2019

Deck the Halls and Pack the Malls: 10 Issues for Seasonal Employee Hiring

The holiday season brings the engagement of seasonal employees, whose brief tenure raises several organizational challenges. This article identifies 10 important legal considerations for employers that plan to hire holiday elves to stock their shelves.

November 6, 2019

Veterans Day: Going Beyond Giving a Day Off

As Veterans Day approaches, employers are reminded that some states support giving veterans the day off, while others allow other specialized leave time for military service.

November 5, 2019

FMCSA-Regulated Employers Take Note: Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Implementation Quickly Approaching

On January 6, 2020, nearly 8 years after the enactment of a law directing the FMCSA to identify and track commercial drivers who violate its drug and alcohol testing program, a Commercial Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse will launch.

November 4, 2019

New Legislation Precludes Employers in Puerto Rico from Using Credit Reports or Credit History to Take Employment Actions

On October 8, 2019, the Governor of Puerto Rico signed a law that restricts an employer’s use of an employee’s or job applicant’s credit history or report.
