April 1, 2024, will mark the beginning of new changes to USCIS form editions, filing fees, and direct filing addresses for many common immigration applications and petitions.
Three months into the new legislative year, with all but a handful of state legislatures currently in session, several employment law trends for 2024 have emerged.
An increasing number of jurisdictions are passing laws that place obligations on employers that sit at the top of global supply chains to address these human rights abuses.
Beginning on April 1, 2024, OFCCP will accept certifications by federal contractors and subcontractors that they have developed and maintained compliant affirmative action programs for each establishment.
On March 14, 2024, the Massachusetts House of Representatives passed legislation that would add a new provision to the Massachusetts Consumer Protection law and would bar the use of true credit reports for employment purposes.
When nonexempt employees use their personal vehicles to provide delivery services, how much must their employer reimburse them to ensure that the employees are paid at least the minimum wage required by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?
This article lists, and explains, the five most common mistakes that overseas-based employers make when they come to the United States and employ workers in any of the 50 states.
In a significant decision about workplace drug use, the Connecticut Appellate Court backed an employer’s right to terminate a worker who was impaired on the job by medical marijuana.
On March 14, 2024, a bill to restrict diversity, equity, and inclusion practices in Kentucky’s public universities cleared the House by a vote of 68-18.