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September 9, 2016

Spruce Up Survives, But a Successor's First Communication to a Predecessor's Employees is More Critical Than Ever

In Paragon Systems, Inc., the National Labor Relations Board declined the General Counsel’s request to overturn its 42-year-old decision in Spruce Up Corp.

WPI Report
September 2, 2016

Workplace Policy Institute Insider Report — September 2016

This month's Insider Report examines what federal agencies were up to while Congress was out of session, and discusses state and local laws that advanced in the weeks leading up to Labor Day.

August 30, 2016

When and Where Can the "Line" Be Drawn? NLRB Considers When Off-Duty Employees May Picket a Hospital Employer

The National Labor Relations Board recently addressed hospital employers’ ability to prohibit picketing by off-duty employees on their own premises.

August 29, 2016

NLRB Ruling in Social Media Case Provides Useful Guidance for Employers

A recent NLRB decision provides employers with useful guidance on both drafting provisions commonly seen in social media policies, and enforcing the policy in response to employees’ social media posts.

August 25, 2016

NLRB Rules that Student Assistants Can Unionize; Debate May Now Shift to Whether They Should

In a sweeping decision issued on August 23, 2016, the National Labor Relations Board reversed its 2004 holding in Brown University that graduate students are not employees under the National Labor Relations Act.

August 5, 2016

Certain Large Retailers and Food Service Employers in NYC Must Enter Labor Peace Agreements under New Executive Order

NYC Executive Order requires all large retail or food service employers operating on the premises of a “City Development Project” to sign a so-called “Labor Peace Agreement” with any union that seeks to represent their employees.

July 28, 2016

NLRB Requires Specificity in Management-Rights Clauses

The NLRB has held that an employer must meet a very high level of specificity in a management-rights clause before the Board will find that the union unequivocally waived its right to bargain over the action in question.

July 15, 2016

New York City Expands Law Governing Displaced Building Service Workers

Mayor Bill de Blasio recently signed a bill amending the New York City Displaced Building Service Workers Protection Act, significantly expanding its coverage.

July 13, 2016

NLRB Paves the Way for Bargaining Units Composed of Employees of Two Different Employers

The NLRB has held a union seeking to represent employees in a bargaining unit composed of employees solely employed by a “user employer” and those it jointly employees with a temporary labor provider is not required to obtain the consent of both employers

Littler Report
July 12, 2016

2016 Executive Employer Survey Report

The fifth annual report examines the legal, economic and social issues having the greatest impact on…
