On November 4, 2016, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed into law a bill that brings the Commonwealth’s law regarding payroll debit cards into the 21st century.
As Veterans Day approaches, we review two particular types of state statutes intended to benefit veterans: holiday leave laws, and laws allowing preferences for veterans in employment.
In 2016, in addition to knowing the ins and outs of labor and employment law, the federal government and its enforcement entities expect that you have more than a passing familiarity with antitrust law.
To help employees save for retirement, more states are passing or exploring legislation that requires employers to automatically enroll their workers in state-sponsored payroll deduction savings programs.
Effective immediately, employers in Montgomery County, Maryland must allow eligible employees in the County to use up to 56 hours of paid sick and safe leave for birth, adoption, foster care, or bonding with the employee’s child.
The November edition turns a spotlight on recent developments in the gig economy, discusses notable state and municipal bills and ordinances that advanced in October, and highlights federal agency activity in the weeks leading up to Election Day.
If enacted, proposed New York Wage Orders will ultimately increase the salary requirements for exempt employees in New York State beyond even the increases under the Fair Labor Standards Act slated to go into effect on December 1, 2016.
On October 27, 2016, the Nevada Supreme Court issued two separate 6-0 en banc decisions settling hotly contested issues of law regarding the Nevada Constitution’s Minimum Wage Amendment.