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November 10, 2022

Ontario, Canada Divisional Court Finds Group Home’s Temporary Visitation Policy During Early Stage of COVID-19 Did Not Discriminate Against Disabled Resident

In Empower Simcoe v. JL, the operator of a publicly funded residential facility sought judicial review of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario’s findings that its policies during COVID-19 were discriminatory.

November 10, 2022

Facing Your Face Mask Duties – A List of Statewide Orders

As COVID-19 case rates fluctuate, face coverings are not uncommon as a preventative measure. This post identifies the jurisdictions where face coverings are recommended or required.

November 4, 2022

On the Ballot – Tip Credit, Marijuana, Union Membership, and More

In addition to the laws enacted by state and local legislatures, there are proposed measures on the ballot next week that may also impact the workplace.

November 4, 2022

How Will the Supreme Court’s Review of Two Affirmative Action Cases Affect Employers?

On October 31, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) heard oral arguments for two controversial affirmative action cases against Harvard University and the University of North Carolina (UNC).

November 3, 2022

NLRB General Counsel Calls for Board to Crack Down on Electronic Surveillance and Automated Management Practices

NLRB General Counsel announced she will urge the Board to adopt a new framework that seeks to hold employers accountable for use of “omnipresent surveillance and other algorithmic-management tools” if they tend to impair the exercise of §7 rights.

November 2, 2022

Employment Law Update 2023: New Compliance Obligations for the New Year

2022 is coming to a close, and the new year will be here before we know it. Which new employment laws will take effect on January 1, 2023?

October 28, 2022

Canada’s Proposed Modern Slavery Act Would Impose Significant Annual Reporting Obligations on Certain Private-Sector Entities

The Modern Slavery Act would require certain government institutions and private-sector entities to report annually on measures they have taken to prevent and reduce the risk that they or their supply chains are using forced or child labour.

October 27, 2022

Ontario, Canada Court Confirms Sexual Harassment Not an Independent Tort

Court confirmed that sexual harassment is not an independent tort in Ontario and an employer cannot be held vicariously liable for sexual harassment.

October 18, 2022

California Changes “Close Contact” Definition Under Cal/OSHA COVID Emergency Standard and Issues Revised Proposal for Non-Emergency Standard

The California Department of Public Health issued an order effective updating the definition of close contact under the Third Revised COVID Emergency Temporary Standard and providing “strategies to prioritize response to potential exposures.”

October 17, 2022

Littler Lightbulb: Highlighting 25 Tips in Recruiting a Diverse Workforce

Employers in today’s tight job market are constantly looking for ways to recruit and maintain top talent from a diverse slate of candidates.
