The British Columbia Court of Appeal upheld a lower court’s determination that an employee’s sexual harassment of his subordinate was not sufficiently serious to justify his dismissal.
In the coalition agreement of 2021, Germany’s Federal Government had already announced that it intended to “evaluate the General Equal Treatment Act, close protection gaps, improve legal protection and expand the scope of application.”
In a recent case the employment tribunal ruled that a journalist was unfairly dismissed for refusing to install a work-related app on her personal phone.
The Supreme Court of British Columbia found that an employer had just cause for the dismissal of a full-time employee who worked on a side business during working hours and did not provide the employer full-time service.
Approximately 23% of the working-age population in the UK reported that they were disabled in January to March 2023 (so almost 1 in 4 working people), and it is estimated 70-80% of disabilities are non-visible.