Your search returned 1632 results.

October 27, 2021

Colorado Proposes Expanded Definition of Vacation Pay, New Highly Compensated Employee Exemption, Modifications to Paid Sick Time Calculations, and Other Revisions to Wage Regulations

The Colorado Department of Labor Division of Labor Standards and Statistics has proposed modifications to its Wage Protection Rules and has published proposed Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards (COMPS) Order #38.

October 26, 2021

Ontario, Canada Introduces Bill 27, Working for Workers Act, 2021

A proposed bill would amend Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, 2000 and other statutes in the province to improve protection and support of workers and provide Ontario with a competitive advantage in attracting innovative global talent.

October 21, 2021

New York’s General Contractors are Jointly Liable for Construction Worker Wages

Last month, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation, S.2766C/A.3350A, that automatically makes general contractors jointly and severally liable for wages, benefits, or wage supplements owed by subcontractors to construction workers.

October 11, 2021

Here We Go Again! California's Latest Crop of Employment Laws

California is at it again – adopting a host of new labor and employment laws that will further regulate and complicate business operations in the Golden State. This article briefly summarizes the new laws, most of which take effect on January 1, 2022.

October 1, 2021

How will the 2021 German Federal Election Results Shape Labor and Employment Law?

On September 26, 2021, the citizens of Germany elected a new Federal Parliament and thus decided how politics will be shaped during the next four years.

September 30, 2021

New York City Passes Sweeping Set of Bills Aimed at Delivery Drivers and Hotel Workers

The New York City Council, on September 23, 2021, approved a set of bills that could significantly affect the working conditions of hotel workers and delivery drivers.

September 28, 2021

Final Rule Affirms U.S. Department of Labor’s Power to Fine Businesses That Engage in Tip Theft

The U.S. Department of Labor published a final rule on September 23, 2021 clarifying several amendments to section 3(m) of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) that concern tip pooling.

September 21, 2021

Puerto Rico Governor Signs Law Raising Minimum Wage to $8.50 Per Hour Starting in 2022

On September 21, 2021, Puerto Rico Governor Pedro Pierluisi signed into law an Act that raises the hourly minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.50.

August 24, 2021

Illinois Equal Pay Certificate Requirements Amended

In the past six months, Illinois enacted SB 1480 and SB 1847, which amended various laws including the Illinois Equal Pay Act.

August 23, 2021

Circuit Courts Endorse Limiting Jurisdiction in FLSA Collective Actions

The 6th and 8th Circuits recently joined many district courts in holding that federal courts cannot exercise jurisdiction over FLSA claims that arise from out-of-state conduct when the defendant is not subject to the court’s general personal jurisdiction.
