The 2024 session of the Virginia General Assembly has come to a close, and as with its 2023 session, which saw relatively little action with regard to employment legislation, there were relatively few employment-related bills enacted in 2024.
The Utah legislature wrapped up its seven-week legislative session on March 1, 2024. Among other measures, the legislature passed two laws now in effect related to religious expression in the workplace for both public and private employers.
As the 2024 election approaches, protests continue across the country, and employees increasingly engage in discourse on important national and international political topics, employers can expect that political speech and activity will occur at work.
As summer quickly approaches and businesses in Pennsylvania continue to seek applicants to fill vacancies in their workforce, employers are becoming more reliant on employees under the age of majority, or minors.
Alan Persaud and Grace Waddell share their experience in the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity’s Pathfinders Program and the inclusive community of legal professionals they joined by participating.
The requirements – which are pretty dense – will be applicable to nearly all California employers, with very few exceptions. By July 1, 2024, covered employers must develop and implement an effective workplace violence prevention plan.